❧ ⦅00⦆ Prologue

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❧ Edited: 11/07/18⦅Third Persons POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 11/07/18
⦅Third Persons POV⦆

It was yet again another eerie night in Tokyo. Upon the rooftop of an old and abandoned building, two figures were to be seen, both of their gazes fixated on to the alluring city view as adequate silence lingered between them.

The other smaller figure settled themselves down by the edge of the building and began to swing their legs back and forth in a childish manner. A soft hum left their lips as they averted their gaze down.

"Say, Tatara, do you know about the Black Tail?" the smaller figure then spoke in a slightly shrilly voice, eliminating the silence that once engulfed them.

The other figure simply nodded before responding to her question in a monotone voice. "I have heard a lot of her doings recently."

The petite female softly hummed as she fiddled with the layers of bandages that covered every inch of her body, and even her face. But she wasn't in a bad condition, the bandages where there intentionally as to protect her own identity, or could possibly just be her style. Who knows?

"She's been doing a tremendous amount of damage around the wards, hasn't she?"

The older man nodded. "As I've heard."

"Hm~ she really piques my interest." the petite female said with a wry smile tugging on the corners of her lips. "Don't you think it's reasonable to have her join us? I mean, she does have quite the package."

"I can't seem to find a valid reason as to why I should disagree; so yes, I believe it is reasonable." he responded, making her giggle.

Then she stood up, patting the dust off her dark magenta dress. She then called for a certain short-tempered indigo haired ghoul-who's also one of the trust-worthy executives of Aogiri.

It didn't take him long to reach them since conveniently enough, he was hanging around the rooftop for some fresh air not so far from where they are.

"The hell is it now?" the indigo haired male asked in an irritated tone, folding his arms across his chest.

The female tutted. "Now, now, Ayato. That is not how you talk to your superiors." she scolded with a teasing little smirk. With a loud scoff, he scornfully rolled his eyes at her. "Like I give a damned shit." he spat.

She briefly laughed, finding his irritated state amusing. "Just cut to the point as to why you called for me." Ayato hissed, his patience ticking like a time bomb.

"Alright, fine." she smiled. "I'm sending you off to another mission, in which you will be doing by tomorrow night."

"What? That's bullshit! I just got back from a mission yesterday." the male grunted. "Give me a break, for fu-"

She shot him a deathly look, which easily made him seal his lips shut. "This one is highly important, so there won't be any exceptions and neither do I want to hear any excuses from you." she sternly argued.

However, the young ghoul seemed to show no interest in this 'mission' of his. He drifted his gaze down the cold ground and watched as a few dead leaves tumbled by.

"I'd highly appreciate it if you would at least listen to me, Ayato." her lips pursed.

He lifted his head and looked at her. "Oh, I sincerely apologize. I was starting to get bored." he replied, sarcasm laced around his words.

She lifted an eyebrow, but didn't bother to press on that. "As I was saying," she cleared her throat. "I need you to bring the Black Tail here-and I want her alive."

The name instantaneously caught his attention. He slipped his hands into the front pockets of his black jeans as he leaned his back against a concrete post. "Count my interest piqued." he slyly smirked.

A grin then formed on her lips. "Great~ I'll be giving you a week or two, but do try to make it quick, Ayato. I need her on our team as soon as possible." she clasped her hands together, smiling widely.

He snickered, tilting his chin up which exposed his well-chiseled jaw line. "Tch, I'll bring her here in no time."

"Don't disappoint me."

❧ End of ⦅00⦆ Prologue

Authors Note: Thats a wrap! I apologize for it being to short, the next chapter will be longer and (hopefully) better! I do hope you guys enjoyed reading think pathetic excuse of a book, though. :')

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to go on this so called 'journey', so I hope all of you (or at least most of you) tag along with me till the very end.

Just a heads up: I'll be providing the main character (you, a.k.a the reader) a name that I thought of. Hope none of you mind! If it's not to your liking, that's fine. You can always stick to your own, I really don't mind.

That's all! Thank you for reading and hopefully I'll see you guys on the next chapter. Sayanora~! <3

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now