❧ ⦅10⦆ Library

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please read the important note at
the end of the chapter, thank you

⦅ please read the important note atthe end of the chapter, thank you ⦆

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❧ Edited: 09/30/18
⦅Miho's POV⦆

Walking down the biography aisle, I trailed my index finger down the spines of books with a soft hum to myself as I searched for the book I've been wanting to read. Behind me was a certain pestiferous indigo haired ghoul, doing who knows what, but I didn't bother to bring myself to give a damn.

I heard him scoff, violently placing back a book on the shelf. "This is boring." Ayato grumbled, clicking his tongue. "I seriously don't get why you like reading books."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe if you try reading one, then you'll learn why." I replied, which earned a snicker from him.

"I would never." he said. I turned to look at the him with an eyebrow lifted.

"Oh, really? Because I can certainly recall seeing you yesterday with a book in your hands and you seemed quite interested in reading it, honestly." I retort, then returned to search for the book I wanted.

He gave no response, but instead scowled once I had my back turned to him, silently mimicking my words under his breath and rolled his eyes. I shook my head at his silly and rather childish actions, tying my best not to let out a small chuckle.

In a matter of minutes, I had finally found the book I've been looking for. I trailed my fingers down the hard cover and read the title in my head. 'Into the Wild.' I thought with a small smile dangling on my lips.

I then opened it, proceeding to read the first chapter. Taking a step back, I suddenly collided with something, or someone. "I'm very so-" Once I looked behind me, my eyes widened a fraction. "Yurei?"

The corners of his lips tugged up into a jubilant smile. "Oh, Miho. I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here today."

"Neither did I, honestly." I chuckled lightly.

Ayato then suddenly appeared behind me out of nowhere. "Oi, Miho. Let's go already, nothing here is to my liking at all." he said in an annoyed and bored tone.

I sighed in utter exasperation. "For heaven's sake, Ayato. If you're really that desperate, then go back to the apartment by yourself." I told him and folded my arms.

"Oh, who's this?" Yurei questioned.

I turned back to him. "This is Ayato, a...uh, my roommate." I answered which earned a small snicker from the said male.

"I didn't know you had a roommate." Yurei lifted his eyebrows. "-especially one that's a...guy."

"Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I'm Yurei Kyou, it's nice to meet you." he extended an arm out for a handshake, but Ayato ignored it and looked at him with a look of distaste.

I violently collided my elbow with his rib and shot him a glare. "Don't be so rude, or you'll be sorry." I muttered, although loud enough for him to hear. He heaved out an irritated sigh, but nonetheless obliged and shook Yurei's hand with a simple nod.

Yurei then briefly smiled before returning his gaze to me. "Uh, Miho, I was wondering if you'd like to join me at a café nearby? And Of course, Ayato is welcomed to join us too, that is if he wants to." he asked, having a hopeful look written on his face.

I tapped a finger on the book I currently had in my grasp and hummed in thought. "Hm, sure, why not? I think a cup of coffee would be nice right now." I then glanced at Ayato with a forced smile on my face. "-and I'm sure Ayato would be delighted to join us."

He narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head ever so slightly, subtly gesturing that he didn't want to go. I smirked. "Isn't that right, Ayato?"

His jaw clenched but nonetheless he gave in, knowing that he didn't stand a chance against me. "Yeah, that's right." he hissed, his tone obviously dripping with venom.

"Great," Yurei clasped his hands together and grinned. "Shall we get going?"

I nodded. "Sure, I'll just check out this book and then we'll head to the café."

❧ End of ⦅10⦆ Library

Authors Note: Fear not, for I am still alive!

Hey, it's yo boi, uh-back from a two month long hiatus! It feels so amazing to be back again, especially when I realized that this book has reached four thousand reads! How crazy is that?!

It seriously blows my mind to know that people actually waste their precious time reading this pathetic excuse of a book, but nonetheless, I'm very thankful to have you guys join me on this long journey. But let's just skip this since I suck at speeches.

I've rewritten and edited all of the chapters and made quite a lot of changes in the plot, so it's most likely ideal to reread the whole book if you don't want to miss out on a few things or be confused. I hope none of you mind at all.

Also, as a token of apology, I've decided to publish two chapters instead of one and a special oneshot today, so I hope you guys enjoy reading them. (P.S: I'm so sorry this chapter was relatively short, I promise the next one will be much longer.)

And one more thing before I go. Here's an illustration I made so that you guys have a more clear vision on what Miho's kagune and kakugan looks like.

It's not the best since I'm not used with drawing on a small screen with only my fingers

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It's not the best since I'm not used with drawing on a small screen with only my fingers. (I usually draw on paper.) It was hard but I managed.

That's all I have to say for now, so I guess this is my cue to leave. Bye-bye!

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