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❧ Edited: 05/10/19⦅Miho's POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 05/10/19
⦅Miho's POV⦆

I strolled down the biography section whilst delicately trailing my index finger across the spines of countless of books in a search for something interesting to read. It wasn't long until one finally caught my attention. I carefully pulled it from the shelf and scanned the book cover: Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.

This should be interesting.

I then walked over to a table nearby and sat down. The corners of my lips twisted into a small smile as I ever so gently flipped the book open and ran my fingers down the glossy page. It seems fairly new. I lifted it to my nose, taking a whiff of its earthly scent-it smells new too.

Hours briefly went by like a breeze, in which I was oblivious to. I was far too engulfed in reading to take any notice of what was happening around me by this very moment-but it was none of my concern. There wasn't a thing in this world that could bring me into such a state of comfort and ecstasy other than this very library I was currently in.

The adequate silence helped set the perfect ambience for reading, and not to mention the strong and earthly aroma that lingered in this library.

But as much as I had the strong urge to stay here for the entire day, I still had other things to do such as stop by the convenience store to buy more coffee and then pay Anteiku a visit to see how everyone has been doing. It's been a while since the last time I went to Anteiku, and I was starting to miss them-and of course, their coffee.

With that said, I then stood up and headed to the counter to pay for my book so that I could continue reading it back at my apartment.


I had just left the convenience store after buying two bags of coffee beans. I silently strolled down the sidewalk, paying little attention to my surroundings as I made my way to Anteiku. The streets were surprisingly empty today, which confused me. Is there something going on that I don't know of? Most likely.

My eyes widened when I saw a small group of doves just by the corner. Muttering a profanity under my breath, I took a detour in order to avoid them. What the hell are doves doing in this area? Something must've happened.

"There you are." Upon hearing the all too familiar voice, I came to an abrupt halt in my tracks and turned to face none other than the infamous arrogant bastard we all know, Ayato.

I gave him a cold glare. "What do you want?"

He sneered. "How awful. I expected a warm greeting but instead received a cold look."

"I don't have time for your nonsense, Ayato." I uttered before turning around to take my leave.

"That's rather unfortunate, I thought you'd spare the time to listen to what I have to say." I simply ignored him.

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now