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❧ Edited: 11/22/18⦅Miho's POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 11/22/18
⦅Miho's POV⦆

Here I was, inside my room reading one of Takatsuki Sen's popular books with a cup of freshly brewed black coffee in my other hand, thinking that this would be enough to keep my mind off from dwelling on a certain person and my other problems such as the whole 'join Aogiri' thing and the insufferable bastard we all know, Ayato Kirishima.

But it was to no avail. I spent the entire morning trying to read, but drastically failed in doing so. I was too distracted thinking about the stuff I tried to avoid.

I exasperatedly sighed, closing the book and left it on my nightstand. In utter frustration, I covered my face with the palm of my hands and squinted my eyes shut.

All I need are answers. I'm eager to know and more than desperate to find out who he really is and our past relationship. And that's when I decided;

I'm going to pay him a visit.


I soon arrived at his doorstep, my knuckles inches away from knocking on the door but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Letting my hands drop to my sides, I took a step back with a heavy sigh. I don't know why, but I feel so nervous; I can't even manage to knock on his door. How cowardly could I even get?

I pressed my lips into a thin line, back laid firmly against the wooden pole as I folded my arms across my chest. I tapped my feet, as I heaved out a sharp breath, not even realizing that I was twisting the silver ring on my middle finger.

Minutes had passed by, yet I still stood on his porch, trying to gather the courage to knock on his door. I mean, come on! It isn't even a hard task, but I couldn't bring myself to do it; how fucking pathetic is that?

Letting out another sigh, I stared down at my shoes and gnawed on the nail of my thumb. All I have to do is knock, but why is that such a hard thing for me to even do?

Just then, I heard the door open, catching me into a small surprise. I averted my gaze towards its direction, spotting a tall male dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a white tee; his locks of warm brown hair was a huge mess, and prominent dark circles were to be seen under his eyes. In all honesty, he looked like shit-god damn.

He rested his elbows on the railings and stared off the distance in deep thought, seeming to not have notice my presence. I stood completely torpid, not moving a single inch or even dared to let out a breath.

'What the hell do I do now?' I mentally questioned myself. 'Either speak up or stand here like an idiot?'

The latter sounds more alluring, honestly-or you know, maybe I could just quietly sneak away like a ninja.

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now