❧ ⦅04⦆ Touka

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❧ Edited: 11/22/18⦅Miho's POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 11/22/18
⦅Miho's POV⦆

It was around five in the morning in Tokyo. I laid torpid in bed, merely staring at the pale wall in front of me with a toneless look as I listened to the birds chirping outside.

I had just brought Touka back to Anteiku after having to deal with her insufferable little brother that we all know, Ayato. I left him back at the alley, not bothering to aid him since he was capable of recovering by himself after having a decent meal-and who knows where he is right now.

I heaved out a prolonged sigh, stirring over to my left side. I had went utterly rouge last night, not having any control of myself at all. It was reckless of me since I didn't even have my mask on-and getting caught was the least thing I want.

I let out an exasperated groan, trailing my hands over my face. I kicked my legs up in the air and muttered a long line of colorful profanities under my breath.

I really should learn to control myself.

Just then I heard the door let out a low creak which caught my attention. I looked over towards its direction, seeing no other than, well, him. I grunted, not wanting to deal with his shit.

"The hell do you want?" I asked in a bitter tone, rolling my eyes at him.

He said nothing in response, his pair of indigo orbs trailing up and down my body like a hawk eyeing its prey. Wait a seco-

'Oh-fuck me!' I cried in my mind.

I quickly hid under the bed sheets, biting my bottom lip in utter embarrassment as my whole face turned into fifty different shades of red-I could almost be mistaken as an apple. I forgot that I was only wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of panties.

'I'm such an idiot!' I covered my heated face with the palm of my hands.

I forgot to lock the door to my room since I was way too exhausted last night to give a single damn about anything else but to get a good night's rest.

"Why'd you cover up?" his tone was highly perverted, I could even hear his sly smirk.

I pressed my lips into a thin line "Shut up!"

"I gotta admit, it was an amazing sight."

I reached for the pillow beside me and threw it towards his direction, hitting him square in the face. He grunted in response, holding his nose with an annoyed look.

"The hell did you do that for?!"

"For entering my room without any notice!" I yelled back, revealing my upper body from the bed sheets. "Geez, sorry." he hissed, tone dripping with sarcasm.

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