❧ ⦅P-02⦆ Oneshot

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< please read the A/N below, thank you >

Hey there! Yes, I know, you must be wondering why there's an update despite the fact that this book is discontinued. I've recently come back to wattpad and I realized that I've previously written a complete one-shot and haven't published it, so I decided to.

This is pretty much a token of gratitude to everyone who have read this story. Thank you all so, so much for 20k views! I find it surprising to see that people are still reading this abandoned story, hahaha.

But still, I am very grateful to everyone who have stumbled upon this story and took the time and effort to read. It really means a lot to me :))

P.S: Are any of you czennies, weishennies, or moas? I have been thinking of writing (member) x reader stories, and I currently have one thats under progress. It's a Johnny Seo x Reader, so please look forward to it! <3

That's all I have to say, so on with this one-shot! :))

⦅Third Persons POV⦆

The auburn haired female stood torpid by the window with her arms folded across her chest as she mindlessly gazed outside, staring at the sullen view with a catatonic look plastered on her face.

It was another rainy day in Tokyo. She usually was fond of rain since it always made her feel like she was as if in a tranquil state, and it never failed to put her at ease. But recently, it's been the opposite. Instead of it providing her comfort, it only made her feel dreary and crestfallen.

An inaudible sigh left her lips as she averted her gaze down to the silver ring on her right ring finger. Ayato had proposed to her two weeks ago, but ever since then, everything went downhill. Their relationship started to falter. They started arguing more often-even over the simplest things such as a misplaced item and whatnot.

The spark that was once between them started to slowly wither away.

"What's the point." she muttered to nobody but herself with a dejected look as she twisted her ring.

It was then when she heard the bedroom door open. She already knew who it was by their distinct scent and didn't bother turning around nor looking over her shoulder. "You're late again."

'He must've been having fun with a better woman. It's obvious that he got fed up with me.' Those very thoughts threw her to the edge as she felt a painful tug on the strings of her heart. 'I'm so sick of this.'

He sighed. "It was a hectic day at Aogiri."

There it is again-the same old stupid excuse. 'As if I'd believe that bullshit.'

"I missed you so much, baby." 'Sure, you did.' she thought bitterly. Just as he was about to settle himself down the spot beside her to engulf her in a hug, Miho furiously turned around to face him.

"I've had enough of your lies! Just tell me the truth, Ayato, please." she hollered, feeling the familiar pricking sensation in her eyes as tears threatened to break loose.

He stared at her with dilated eyes, flinching ever so slightly at her sudden outburst. "But I'm not lying about anything. Hell, you can even ask Tatara about it." he said in confusion.

"Don't bullshit with me, Ayato." she gave him a deathly glare. "I know you've been sleeping with another woman."

This made him even more perplexed. "I-w-what? Another woman? No, Miho, I would never cheat on you!" he yelled.

He was in utter disbelief that she had suspicions of him cheating on her. Sure, he was aware that their relationship hasn't been the best recently, but to go out and throw himself on to other women because of it? Even the devil himself knew he wouldn't even dare to do such a thing. He would much rather kill his subordinates than to do something so absurd.

The auburn haired female laughed at him humorlessly. "Don't even bother throwing those stupid lies at me. I'm sick of them."

"For the last time, I'm not fucking lying!"

"Then why the hell do you always smell like a fucking woman everytime you get home?!"

He groaned, hastily running a hand through his locks of blue hair. "Look, I can explain, alright?" he lowered his voice, sounding more calm and collected. "It's not what you think."

She scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Baby, just hear me out, please." he begged, taking a step forward.

She pondered about it for a brief moment, before deciding to let him explain. "Fine, but if one more lie comes out of your fucking mouth, I'm leaving."

He bit his bottom lip, feeling a huge lump in his throat. He then fixed his posture and scratched the corner of his lip with his thumb. "I've been seeing a friend of mine about a week ago-"

"So you do admit it. You're cheating on me." she felt her chest tighten.

He knitted his eyebrows. "What? No, of course not! Let me finish...we weren't doing anything sexual. We only had friendly conversations." he explained. "I swear."

"Right, 'friendly conversations'. Do you guys have friendly intercourses too?"

"The hell, Miho?" he was perplexed.

"She noticed that I was looking troubled and confronted me about it. I told her about everything: our faltering relationship, the arguements, and so on. She was kind enough to help me and give me advice." Ayato explained to her.

Miho averted her gaze down to the wooden floor, a guilty look plastered on her face. A part of her didn't believe him, but the other part of her did. She knew that Ayato was a faithful man and would never dare to cheat on her, but a side of her still doubted him, which lead to overthinking and countless of conclusions that all deemed to be false.

"She's pretty much just a therapist to me, nothing more and nothing less." Ayato stated with a small chuckle.

She raised an arm and covered her mouth as tears began to trail down her rosy cheeks like an endless stream. "I-I'm sorry..." she sobbed, her voice cracking. "It was stupid of me to jump into conclusions..."

"No, baby, don't be sorry. If anything, I should be the one apologizing." Ayato whispered, engulfing her smaller frame into a tight hug and placed an ever so delicate kiss on her forehead.

She did the same, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck as she bursted out into a series of tears, loud sobs, and sniffles.

"I'm sorry for all the times we argued. I was under a lot of pressure due to all the shit I had to do in Aogiri. I promise I'll try to be a better fiancé." he muttered whilst gently caressing her silky locks of auburn hair.

Miho pulled away from his neck and found herself lost in his mesmerising pair of deep ocean blue eyes. "It's fine, I understand." she gave him an alluring smile. "And you don't have to try to be a better fiancé. You already are the best I could ever ask for."

With a cheeky grin, he pulled her closer and leaned in, locking their lips together which both fit perfectly just like two puzzle pieces. It was simple, yet so delicate and full of passion. It lasted no longer than a few seconds before they pulled away and panted due to the lack of air.

He placed his forehead against hers, their noses brushing against each other. "I love you so, so fucking much, baby."

She smiled at him. "I know you do, and I love you too."

❧ End of ⦅P-02⦆ Oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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