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❧ Edited: 09/22/18⦅Miho's POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 09/22/18
⦅Miho's POV⦆

With a low grunt then muttered in a slightly irritated tone. "Shut up, would you? They might hear you."

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "They? Who-"

Once again, I was cut off by him shushing me, raising a hand and covered my mouth, obviating me from uttering another word. I narrowed my eyebrows at him with a scowl. He then nodded his head towards the farther left, gesturing at something.

I peered over my shoulder and squinted my eyes, spotting three men dressed in white coats and each of them carried a silver suitcase. I knitted my eyebrows together.

'Doves...' I thought as I scrunched my nose up in utter distaste.

I watched as they strolled down the dimly lit sidewalk, chattering and letting out small fits of laughter. Neither of them seemed to have noticed us, which is good.

I then drifted my gaze back to Ayato. "So, are we just going to them be?" I questioned in a whisper.

The corner of his lips tugged into a smirk. "Of course not."

I mischievously smiled in return, hearing the response I wanted. I then grabbed my mask that I hid under my leather coat and adjusted it on to my face, Ayato doing the same. I pointed my index finger at the rooftop of a building to the farthest left in which he nodded to.

Tucking my hands into the front pockets of my jeans, I watched as he left and climb his way up the building. With a small hum, I then silently approached the three men from behind-going completely unnoticed.

I cleared my throat and tapped the broad shoulder of the ebony haired male who was the tallest of them all. "Excuse me."

This caught their immediate attention and stop their tracks. Peering over their shoulder, their eyes then instantaneously widened in fear. They all took a step back and quickly pressed the button on their suitcases, unleashing their quinque's.

"It's the Black Tail, an SS-rated ghoul. I highly doubt we'd stand a chance against her." One of them with raven black hair spoke, taking a quick glance at the other two.

"We need to call for immediate backup."

The ebony haired male scoffed. "I believe there's no need for that, Kaito. First class investigators like us can easily defeat her."

"But, Hitomo-san-" a sudden yell left his throat as a crystal shard pierced through his left arm.

"Kaito!" the other male exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now