❧ ⦅02⦆ Forgotten

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❧ Edited: 08/15/18⦅Miho's POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 08/15/18
⦅Miho's POV⦆

I bolted up from my bed in an abrupt pace, letting out a gasp of utter horror. My heart thumped violently against my chest and my breathing was labored, beads of cold sweat forming on my forehead which I wiped away. I was also oblivious to the fact that tears were trickling down my face.

It was back. The twisted dream of mine, the one I fear the most. But I wouldn't exactly call it a dream, it was more of a memory. A dreadful one, to be exact.

The tragedy of my family.

Letting out a sharp sigh, I pulled my knees up to my chest, tightly wrapping my arms around myself as I stared at the pale wall through the darkness. It's around three in the morning, I assumed.

I then furrowed my eyebrows, abruptly raising a hand and covered my mouth to suppress the sobs and sniffles that left my lips. Tears began to stream down my face, dripping down the maroon blankets.

It's all my fault.

I couldn't save them.

I'm sorry,

I disappointed you.

Eventually, I managed to calm myself down. I let out a shaky breathe, wiping my tear stained face with the sleeve of my black sweater. I dangled my legs on the edge of the bed, pushing away the blankets off of me.

I then stood up, suddenly feeling light headed due to standing up too fast. I held on to the wall to maintain balance, soon regained my composure and headed to the bathroom to freshen myself up.

After that, I went to the kitchen to make myself a fresh cup of coffee. I shortly stopped my tracks, spotting a figure leaning against the counter. Then realization struck me like lightning.

'Right, I let him stay here for the night.' I mentally said, scornfully grunting.

I pressed my lips into a thin line, concealing my anger and walked past him. He simply ignored me as well, casually looking down at the wooden floor.

While filling up the kettle with water, I then opened my mouth and said: "I expect you to be gone before the sun rises."

He sneered in response. "Tch, you wish. I can't go back to Aogiri empty handed."

I abruptly turned around to look at him. "Well, you're going to have to." I retort.

He muttered a profanity under his breath, letting out a scoff as he left the kitchen. I refrained from rolling my eyes, resuming on making coffee for myself. In the middle of doing so, I heard my stomach growl.

"Guess I have to hunt later."

After I finished making coffee, I headed back to my room and sat down the bed, placing the cup on the night stand beside me. I then grabbed my phone, turned it on and saw that I had two new messages from Touka and from someone else.

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