❧ ⦅01⦆ Anteiku

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❧ Edited: 11/07/18⦅Third Persons POV⦆

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❧ Edited: 11/07/18
⦅Third Persons POV⦆

The following day,

Amongst the busy streets of Tokyo, a young girl - who's no older than eighteen - crossed the pedestrian lane, on her way to her all time favorite café: Anteiku. It's been a while since the last time she's been there-the memory was almost like a blur to her.

Turning by the corner, her tracks came to a halt as her gaze fell on the familiar road, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. She adjusted her scarf, raising it to cover her nose when a cold breeze of autumn wind blew by, making her long, silky auburn hair float in front of her pair of light hazel eyes.

With an inaudible sigh, she tucked a few loose locks of her hair that covered her vision behind her ear then continued her tracks. The withering leaves that covered the pavements crunched underneath her boots with each and every step she took, which she found somewhat pleasant to her ears.

Within a few brief minutes of walking, she finally reached the café. A warm smile crept on to her lips as she stared at the building, her grip on the sling of her bag tightening. Her heart picked up its pace, images of old memories flashing before her eyes-both the good and the bad.

Now that she was here, she suddenly felt nervous, anticipating how they would react the moment they see her. Her lips pressed into a thin line, her eyebrows furrowing at the wooden door that stood in front of her.

Inhaling sharply, she ascended up the few short steps and placed her hand over the polished brass knob. She gave it a small twist and pushed the door open in a painfully slow pace. The bells that hanged above then chimed, indicating that a customer have arrived.

"Welcome to Antei-"

The person shortly cut themselves off, the tray they were holding falling out of their grip, followed by the sound of porcelain cups shattering into pieces.


Her chest tightened upon hearing the all too familiar voice, a soft smile creeping on her lips as she stared at the older female with dark purple hair that reached just below her jawline, whose lips were ajar and pupils dilated from complete and utter shock.

"Hello, Touka-san."

Her tone was doleful, a thin layer of gloss forming in her eyes, clouding up her vision. She inched closer towards Touka, but then stopping once they were half a meter away from each other. Her hands curled into tight fists, knuckles turning into a boney white shade.

"T-Touka-san, I-I-" She was cut off by the sudden collision of another body against hers, a pair of arms coiling around her figure.

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