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"Ford doesn't want to tell us, but I know that there is something weird going on. Something bad" Dipper mumbled.
"What?" Mabel said while trying to find a snack she had hid in their room.
"There is something going on, Mabel, something different... I can feel it"
"Someone watched too much Star Wars" she laughed.
"I'm serious, Mabel!" He replied defending himself and annoyed by her doubting laugh "Ford doesn't want to tell us what it is, but he knows it, I can see it"
"Maybe I should ask him" she said not really caring about her brother's statement. She knew he was always paranoid about everything, and even though she had to admit Ford was acting very suspicious lately, she couldn't see the reason of why that despair in discovering what the uncle was hiding.
"It's not like he is going to tell" Dipper made a pause, looked at the window and rolled his eyes when recognized what the tiny figures down there were. "Hey, look, some old friends of yours are out there"
"What" Mabel asked as she went to the window to check. "Oh, no. What do you think they want now?"
"I think they know what is going on... I'm gonna go there, you stay here" Dipper said as he jumped away from the window and pretty much ran in the door's direction.
"Dip, they are just gnomes" The girl spoke going back to her bed, still not knowing why her brother was acting like that. After all, if it was actually something to worry about, she was certain Ford wouldn't hide for so long, and the gnomes? What kind of so precious information could they even have? They were simple tiny men from the woods of Gravity Falls who seek madly for a Queen.
"Said the one who was literally kidnapped by them!" He said while opening the door "I'm going. Do you wanna come?"
"No, I wanna find my snacks. Grenda and Candy are coming tonight, I need to find my snacks, Dip!"
"Um... Ok..." Dipper muttered, he was too busy running downstairs to give her a proper answer. He had to discover what was going on. Not knowing it was bothering him. The fact that Ford was hiding it was also bothering him, and a lot.
He had defeated Bill Cipher! What in hell could be worse than that guy?
Dipper tried his best to get out of the shack without being seen by Ford or Stan, but he had never been good at escaping his great uncles's sight. "What are you doing, Dipper?" Ford asked. Dipper looked to the door for a while. "Dipper. Where are you going?" The man insisted.
"There are a few gnomes out there, I'm just gonna check what they want. Don't worry. I can handle them"
"I know you can" Ford made a pause and sighed, he knew what his nephew was planning to do. "You're not investigating what you think that is going on, right?"
"I..." Dipper stuttered giving away his lie.
"You are" Ford affirmed.
"I didn't even answer!" The boy tried to defend himself from the accusation.
"You obviously are, Dipper. I know I can't stop you from doing it, so just be careful, ok?" Ford said with a sad tone of voice, Dipper could tell that the man was only trying to protect him, but the boy didn't feel as he needed to be protected at all, he knew how to take care of himself, he wasn't a child anymore, and even when he was, he had beat up a crazy demon.
Ford wasn't going to stop Dipper from investigating, and that didn't make sense for the boy, if he was going to investigate, he would surely end up discovering the truth, and Ford's will to protect to him would be gone. Why wouldn't the man tell him what was going on instead of keeping the suspense atmosphere?
Of course, Dipper could ignore that. But he wouldn't. He was Dipper Pines, he never ignored anything. He was definitely going to lose some sleep thinking about that.
'Maybe... ', he started thinking, trying to find a theory that made sense, though he couldn't find any. He had to think straight. He was very aware of the fact that he couldn't throw any theory away, there was something happening on Gravity Falls, and in Gravity Falls even the craziest theory is possible.
Anything could happen. And Dipper was sure nothing else could impress him.
"Ok" he said looking down to the gnomes. "What are you doing here?"
"Shmebulock" one of them answered.
"Can someone please say something that makes sense?" Dipper said face palming "Or I'm gonna kick you all out of here without thinking twice"
"We need your help" one gnome said.
"If it involves finding you a queen, count me out, you freaks" the boy, that seemed so tall near to the tiny creatures, replied.
"It has nothing to do with a queen! It's something... Dangerous" the gnome whispered.
"Oh, here we go..." Dipper didn't know why he had even thought about the possibility of them knowing something. They were gnomes. A big dog would be dangerous to them. It was probably some silly gnome issue.
"There is a sort of... A sort of portal opening near to our place! And two boys came out of there!"
"Wait, what?" Dipper said finally giving the gnomes some proper attention. "You said... Portal?!" That was the exact moment Dipper got interested.
He glanced at the shack for a few seconds, then decided he had to go check it. It was a need. "Show me" he said shaking his head.
He had to see it. It was a portal in the middle of the woods of Gravity Falls. Perhaps that was the "thing" going on.
"You said two boys got out of the portal, uh?" Dipper asked while trying not to step in any gnome during the way.
"Yes. For one moment we thought one of them was a big gnome. But then we realized he wasn't"
"A... Big gnome? Ok. That's insane. Where does the portal lead you to?"
"We don't know exactly. None of us want to get into it... It seems dangerous"
"I have to see it..." Dipper muttered to himself.
"We're getting near to it, wait more five minutes" the gnome assured.
"And the two boys"
"Five minutes" the gnome repeated annoyed.
"Ugh..." Dipper said wondering if it was actually more five minutes to get to the portal, or if the gnomes didn't have an idea of what 'five minutes' actually is.
That fanart is extremely cute, I loved it!
Anyway, welcome to my (probably weirdest) fanfic, this one is Pinescone, and eh, I hope you enjoyed it.
Edit 1: I'm editing and reviewing the grammar and spelling of this fanfic, also, I'm changing some sentences and adding others, anyway, I'm doing what I think that must be done to give you guys a better written fanfic :)

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