Shot that down

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"Did something happen?" Wirt asked looking at Dipper while holding Greg's hand, trying to stop him from running through the house and probably breaking something.
"What?" Dipper said. "Why?"
"I don't know, maybe because you're cursing the air... Literally" He answered with a sarcastic tone that caught Dipper by surprise.
"I don't think you would understand" the desperate one answered glancing at Wirt, that didn't seem very glad with the answer he received. 
"I don't think I wouldn't understand, it can be the weirdest thing, I guess I've seen weird things enough to don't doubt anything"
"Ok" Dipper said shaking his head. He needed to talk about that with someone, and it couldn't be with Mabel, she was having so much fun with her friends, he didn't want to ruin it. He would save that serious conversation for later. And well, someone had to warn that boys after all, right?
"Greg. You can go, run, do whatever you want, just don't go too far away, ok? Don't get lost" Wirt said looking at the brother, that seemed so happy by finally being allowed to, well, do what kids usually do, run around, make noises and explore. "What is going on?" Wirt asked calmly as he brother disappeared, running through the shack.
"Two years ago, there was this... Um... Demon. Bill Cipher. He lives in dreamscape, which means he is basically a ghost, he lives by making deals with people, and he only appears in dreams. But then, he got a material form, and almost destroyed Gravity Falls, but we defeated him" Dipper made a pause. "Now he is back. Way more dangerous. And we can't escape, I mean, I can't escape, I want to fight. The 'good' part is that he can't leave Gravity Falls"
"Some kinda of invisible dome, the only thing that stops him from turning the world into a big freak party"
"It's not going to work this time" Wirt said looking worried.
"What do you mean by that?" Dipper said sitting right next to him in the couch.
"There is a portal opened, if he is smart and doesn't get too blind by all this 'controlling the world' thing and probably revenge against you all, he will realize what he can do"
"He can enter into the portal, and..."
"And in one year, it will open in another place on the world, and he will be able to get out" Wirt concluded finishing the sentence.
"Because that's how portals work and... Shit" Dipper took a deep breathe "we have to shot that portal down, Bill is going to realize that possibility, if he hasn't already, he is smart"
"How do you even shot a portal down?" The other asked glancing at the floor, as if the carpet would give him an answer.
"I know, I know... There is no way to... Maybe Ford knows something, but he is not going to tell me"
"Why not?" He glanced back at Dipper.
"He doesn't want me getting involved, it's stupid, I know. There is no way of finding out how" Dipper sighed.
"There is" Wirt said smiling confidently. "I ask him"
"Um... Isn't that going to be a little bit too obviously?" 
"No. I've been stuck in that portal for one freaking year, I can just ask him and say that I want to find out so no one else is going to pass through what I did, and that's kinda truth... He will answer, he won't notice"
"That's... You're a genius! That's such a simple plan and still it's just, that's definitely going to work!" Dipper said smiling brightly. "You have to talk to him tomorrow, he won't suspect of anything"
"Ok" Wirt made a pause. "Hey, what is all that gnome stuff about? What is the matter with them?" 
"Why the question?"
"They said they would let us go if we found them a queen"
"They still looking for a queen?"
"They kidnapped Mabel once to make them their queen" Dipper said rolling eyes, Wirt laughed a little.
"Really? Those tiny things?"
"Yes. And then they got together to turn into a big gnome!"
"Oh my, that's so ridiculous"
"I know right!"
"Sounds like some trash movie"
"From the 80's, I know, I know" Dipper said laughing. "Are you sure there isn't a movie like this?"
"Yes, I am"
"There should be"
"There are even movies about giant tomatoes that kill people"
"Clowns from the space that kill people with candy cotton"
"Why not giant gnomes?"
"That kidnap girls because they are looking for a queen. That's a really good idea. I think it would make money"
"I wouldn't pay to watch it" Wirt said, back to laughing.
"Me neither" Dipper said laughing too.
UUUUGH, I ship them sooooo much. I love trash movies, yep.
Sooo, I know it's a short chapter, and I hope you don't mind.
Also I hope you don't mind me calling you lil pie, but, yeah, I can't help it (which is ironic because you are probably taller than me)
And in case I don't see you again: good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night. (Truman's Show)
Edit 1: do I really have to keep on explaining the edits? :)

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