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Dipper always had a thing for mysterious things, that was the reason of why he started liking Gravity Falls in first place.
The unknown, discovering things, exploring new universes, new places.
He read once, in a literature class (which he didn't pay much attention to), that people's eyes are a whole new universe. He had never felt that before, he never saw it he never experienced it, not until that dammit boy.
Dipper had never been a really romantic person, the kind of person that caught himself thinking about someone else, maybe he had never actually being interested in someone.
Everybody was so normal, so superficial, he never found anyone new, anyone that he wanted to discover each secret, he never met anyone mysterious enough to leave him like that.
But Wirt? Wirt was basically everything Dipper ever wanted, but never knew.
He had jumped out of a portal, a natural one, it sounded as the beginning of some science-fiction stuff, or maybe of some good book.
Oh, it didn't sound as, Wirt was a good book.
If that wasn't enough, Wirt himself already looked mysterious, even though he was attempting to hide everything he had passed inside that portal, he was making himself more interesting to Dipper, and he didn't even know it.
He had different eyes. They weren't a different color, what made him slightly different was their special way of shining in the sun, their special of glancing, their different way of seeing the world.
Dipper couldn't believe that he was actually amazed by that boy's eyes.
Oh no, I'm incredibly gay, Dipper thought. He didn't care with that fact that he was more gay than he ever thought he was. Actually, Dipper had never considered that option. Maybe that was why he never felt so interested about girls.
Being honest, he had never felt really interested about anyone. But Wirt? Sounded like the universe had made that boy to Dipper.
Dipper was hundred percent sure he was blushing. He couldn't believe what he was thinking.
They say you fall in love in the most ridiculous situations, in the more unexpected ones. Well, Dipper couldn't think of something more unexpected than that.
It was so ridiculous, it sounded so tragic, it was such a cliche. Ironic. A cliche happening with Dipper, in Gravity Falls, the city where nothing is normal. He was living a cliche, and he was liking it, somehow.
It even sounded like a romance wrote by a writer who had the heart broke by someone, and in a desperate try to fix it, decided to write his idea of the perfect problematic and complex romance. (Oh, that's 100% accurate, unless for the fact that I'm a girl)
(I'm done with this cheesy thing, I'm up for some adventure and action now, ok)

"We should have shifts" Wendy said. "We pair up and then we have shifts"
"I think it's a good idea" Mabel said smiling, holding Waddles.
"Yeah, dude, Wendy is right" Soos said while eating one cheese snack or something like it.
"Ok, ok" Dipper said trying to organize his thoughts.  At the end of the meeting, it was decided that, Wendy and Soos would have the first shift, then Mabel and Pacifica, Grenda and Candy, who had turned into amazing fighters (something that did impress Dipper), and on the last day, Dipper and Wirt. If Dipper's math was correct, in four days the portal would close.
Since the portal closed, they would worry with another things, such as, what kind of freak thing would happen now.
They had also made an invisible protection, that wouldn't allow Bill to get near to the portal's area, but Dipper knew that it wasn't enough, Bill was more powerful, he could feel it. He wasn't sure if he still had the weakness he had before.
Only having an invisible magical protection was too risky, and everybody agreed in that.
They also agreed that telling Stan and Ford wasn't a good idea. McGucket was working with them, producing guns and studying, he was doing his best, and Dipper was sort of amazed by seeing old man McGucket building such powerful weapons, and keeping his word in not telling Ford.
"Are you worried?" Wirt asked.
"What?" Dipper said finally taking his eyes out of the journal, where he was taking notes, doing math and trying to figure out another ways to defeat Bill. "I'm more concerned with the fact that Stan and Ford don't know what is going on"
"But you're not going to tell them, are you?"
"No..." Dipper sighed "but still, what if something happens?"
"Something is going to happen we know that right? It's just a matter of time"
"I don't know if I should tell them or not" The boy confessed in a whisper.
"I think they already noticed it" Wirt answered.
Ok, this was getting too cheesy, soo, yeaah
By the way, 2016 is finally reaching to its end, and I know that this will not change a thing, because, yeah, that's how our world works, and I know, it sucks, but this night, I would like to (again) raise my wands to sky in honor of Chapecoense (in case you are wondering, the Brazilian soccer team that died in a plane crash) and of course, to all people that died this year (Carrie, Alan, Debbie, David, you won't be forgotten, never) but especially now to Chapecoense.
"While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our heart beat as one"
- Dumbledore and the best quote ever made by him.
Edit 1: I'm editing! Also, thx for the 2k babies <3

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