Weird feeling

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"Did he tell you?" Dipper said more excited than he should be (do you remember that little screams he did when he met the "author", yes, he was acting like that, but not screaming).
"Yes, and it's not good" Wirt answered sitting in the couch, the disappointment was clear in his eyes. "Ford told me there is no way to shot a natural portal down"
"Then what do we do?" The other asked feeling the despair slowly growing inside him, he couldn't just let Bill escape, he had to save the world, he had to protect everyone.
"Well, first, I'm probably going to send Greg home. But if you're talking about the portal, well, we can protect it" Wirt whispered.
"You mean... Wait for Bill there? Only us? To fight? It's suicide" Dipper sighed standing up and starting to walk around in circles, he knew it was crazy, but what else could he do?
"It's the only option, right?" The older one asked with a sad tone in his voice. The sad tone of when you know the sort of dangerous you're putting yourself in, and there is no escape, you just have to do it.
"Yes... Well, is better die fighting than dying without a fight" Dipper replied sharing the same tone of voice. He knew it was the only option.
"You're not really an optimistic person, are you?" Wirt tried to give him a tender smile.
"I'm being realistic right now. Since we are all going to die anyway" he answered glancing at the boy.
"You also don't trust yourself that much, right?" Wirt kept on going with the questions, trying to keep himself optimistic about it, though it was basically impossible. How to even keep the faith in such a situation?
"Can you stop?" Dipper tried to smile.
"Hey guys" Mabel said entering the living room, jumping. "What's up?"
"Um..." Wirt said looking at Dipper, he wasn't sure if he could answer. Dipper glanced at Wirt before staring at Mabel and getting ready to explain what was going on.
"He is back? But how is that even..." Mabel said desperate.
"I don't know..." Dipper answered, staring at the floor. "But what I know is that we've got to fight. I've got to fight. I have to protect this portal with my life"
"Dip..." Mabel made a pause and tried to smile, but she couldn't, she couldn't hide how desperate she was, how worried she was getting. "You don't have to do this alone. I'm with you in this one"
"Guys, I'm not trying to ruin your 'twin moment' but, er, I'm in this too" The older boy interrupted.
"You don't have to..." Dipper said glancing at Wirt, who shook his head.
"Well, since we're all in risk of dying anyway, I don't see why not" he said smirking, Dipper smiled when heard it.
"I don't think only three people are enough"
"Maybe Paz...?" Mabel asked hesitant.
"No" Dipper said quickly, he wasn't sure if Pacifica would be helpful in fighting against Bill Cipher, not that time. "We can think about this later. By now, we need two things: getting weapons and sending Greg back"
"That's a good reminder" Wirt said shaking his head.
"Oh, Greg is that little kid? The adorable one that was running through the house?" Mabel said.
"Yes" Wirt answered before Dipper could say anything.
"He has a frog that is Waddle's new friend!"
"Can we go back to discussing how the hell we are going to get out of that alive?" Dipper said trying to focus.
"Ok" Mabel answered.
"So, we need weapons. Who have weapons?" Dipper asked.
"Ford" Mabel said smiling.
"We can't ask him to give us weapons" Wirt said "he's never going to"
"McGucket!" Dipper almost screamed, it was so obviously, how he didn't think about it earlier? McGucket would definitely help them.
"McWho?" Wirt said as confuse as he could be. (Oh, sorry for this sentence, I just love how weird it sounds, it's so pretty)
********** (I love Old Man McGucket)*
"But you can't tell Ford" Dipper said making himself very clear. McGucket only shook his head in agreement.
Dipper knew how wrong it was, and he felt insecure about the fact that he was going to fight without Ford at his side, but he had done it before. He had fight without Ford.
He knew he didn't need any journal, or any Ford to defeat Bill, but still, he was insecure, he was in a whole different situation, and he didn't like it.
He didn't like that new situation.
He knew he would probably end up calling Wendy and Pacifica to fight with them, he didn't have an option, perhaps he would call for help to some other people as well, maybe even some creatures, though he was still insecure about it.
Also, he would never be able to stand and see someone dying over his control. He was going to fight, he didn't care if he would die, but nobody else could die, he wouldn't forgive himself for that.
Fighting side by side to Mabel, in the last time, made him feel confident. But in that time, it was a new situation, it was another reason for him to worry. He had idea of what was going to happen. And he didn't want Mabel to get hurt, he didn't want Mabel to die, if anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to stand himself.
Weirdly, the fact of having Wirt to fight with him, for some reason, made him a little more calm. He barely knew that boy. Actually, he knew nothing about him. He certainly shouldn't be feeling that way.
A weird feeling. As if he knew Wirt from years, maybe what people usually say when someone feel this way, probably from another life.
Dipper had never believed that bullshit, but after meeting Wirt, he was awkwardly starting to consider that option, that possibility. Why not?
Oh no, there he was, looking at McGucket trying to find something (God knows what), while thinking what a probably high school girl would think. That was so stupid.
Wirt glanced at him for one second, as if he could read Dipper's mind and knew exactly what he was thinking, Dipper, of course, blushed a little and stared at the floor trying to hide it, though he failed miserably.
Wirt tried to ignore that little thing, but he couldn't hide a small smile. He glanced at the other side, as he was interested in a very weird and peculiar old computer in an old wood table. Of course he wasn't.
Finally a first real Pinescone moment, I know I described it too much, but I couldn't help it, I just love that kind of cheesy thing. And it's like 2am, so I'm on the mood (like, really, I'm thinking about my love life and I just realized I don't have it, ugh)
Hope you guys had an amazing Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas (cause of religious things), I hope you had an amazing day :)
Edit 1: I'm way too lazy to explain all of the edits :)

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