The end #1

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(Yup, this is the end)

One year had passed since they have got themselves stuck in that bloody portal to kill that bloody demon. Most things haven't change for them, as they managed to survive and grew a really good and strong relationship, which was perfectly normal, and would be weird in case they haven't.
Dipper never thought he would actually be able to hold a relationship with the same person during one whole year and don't get tired or sick of it, but he discovered that he could, since that person was Wirt.
For Wirt, there wasn't any surprise or discover after all, he already knew that he was made to handle and enjoy a relationship for a long time. It is something that most romantic poets have.
Another thing Dipper found out, was that he was gayer than he thought originally; Wirt, in another hand, knee pretty well how gay he could be. (Oh gosh, I am wasting my life)
Even though both were still in love, and to be more specific, madly in love and crazy for each other, deep down both knew that as soon as they got out of that dammit place, they wouldn't last too much.
Both would have to go to their homes, to different places, and be forced to choose one of the two following options: keep dating, but in distance, only seeing each other in Skype or break up and promise to don't talk again, to avoid, mostly, the suffering of being in love with someone so far away.
"What will we do?" Wirt asked, while both stared at the gate opening, setting them free to their homes.
"I don't know... Let's think about any thing later" Dipper said while holding Wirt's hands. They didn't want to leave each other, but even if their (wonderful) relationship was kept, they would still having to live apart.
And it would be hard to live away from someone you love and spent the last whole year with. It is proved by science that love works like a drug, which obviously means you will get addicted to it, and when the "break up" happens, your brain and your whole body miss that "drug". Both knew that it would be hard and to live apart and even harder to leave each other. But how could they avoid what was wrote by destiny?
"Where are we?" Dipper whispered as he jumped out of the gate.
"United States for sure" Wirt answered taking a good look around. He pointed to a sign "Mill Creek?"
"Well ok, but where?" Dipper asked smiling to his boyfriend.
"Washington" Wirt answered "oh wait, I know here! It's near to Seattle"
"Oh, that's good" Dipper said with an even bigger smile "we can take a bus and go to Gravity Falls right now!"
"Um... Dipper, I am not going to Gravity Falls" Wirt said staring at the floor, he shook his head and glanced back at Dipper "anyway, I have to call my family now... I'm gonna find a pay phone"
"Oh, yeah, sure" Dip answered as he smiled slowly vanished of his face. "But heey, can't you go to Gravity Falls and then you thing about that?"
"Ok, look Dip, I know that... Um... We've been missing for one entire year, I think it would be minimally fair for them if I come home now"
"I..." Dip tried, but he knew Wirt was right, he just didn't want to admit that the moment they were looking forward to, the moment to go home, had finally come, and that, that moment they dreamed about for so long, was going to be the one to separate them, to end what they have become in that year together. "Can't you go to Gravity Falls and then call your family?" Dipper asked with his last hopes to have Wirt with him for more time. Wirt made a pause, staring directly to Dipper's eyes and smiled.
"Well, yes, but..." Wirt could tell that the wrong answer would end with Dipper's lasts hopes to get a decent last moment with his boyfriend, and Wirt didn't want to leave Dipper in that exact moment, he wanted to have a last moment, a decent date in the place he never get to meet because of Bill Cipher.
He wanted to be with Dipper, and Dipper wanted to be with him, why was that so hard? Why couldn't they simply live in the same town and be together? Study in the same school and see each other everyday?
Oh, the things Wirt would give to have Dipper studying in his school, in his class, so he could glance at him and watch him bored in the worst classes, so they could look at each other and exchange that smile that makes anyone's day worth.
And the things Dipper would give just so he could have Wirt with him every day, working at the Mystery Shack, helping him in literature class, going to the woods so they could search for the most mysterious and peculiar creatures, and eventually, find some jerk unicorn or some crazy gnome looking for a Queen.
What both wouldn't give for a rainy afternoon, stuck inside the shack, watching Ghost Busters (I like to believe that Dipper probably like that movie) while eating snacks.
Why did it have to be so hard to them to just be together? To just have a normal relationship? To be happy the way they wanted to?
Why couldn't things happen just like in a cliche movie?
"Hey, Dip" Wirt said smiling as he followed Dipper, that was looking for a pay phone and seemed very interested in that job, he was excited to go home, principally now, Wirt was going with him.
"What?" He said without even looking at Wirt, they reached to a point in their relationship, where all this cheesy thing wasn't need at all, they knew how they loved each other and didn't have to prove that in 5 in 5 seconds. And anytime one of these 'declarations' and cute couple things happened it was a surprise.
"I love you so freaking much" Wirt whispered hugging him.
"Oh my God Wirt" Dipper laughed "yep, I love you too, but dear gosh, do you really have to do that kind of things in public?"
"I guess it's the first time I do that kind of thing in public"
"Yeah, you have a point"

I am going to post the next chapter later, I am kinda busy studying for the thousands tests I have, so, I may take a week or a little bit more ok?

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