Part 3: Deal or No Deal

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I would have slept all day if it weren't for my living alarm clock, AKA, my boss. At 10:15 I got a text, and then a call from him, the glorious boss himself, who was wondering why the most punctual being in the company was late to work. I had to tell him Cereal was sick again and that I forgot to call in. Since it was a Friday, he said it was fine and I could take a sick day off.

The stranger I had rescued was still out cold. I thought I saw him crack his eye open, but probably just my imagination.

"Up, Cereal." I whisper. The brown and black Basenji gave me a puppy dog smile, and clambered up the chair and onto my lap. I kissed his forehead and carried him quietly out of the bedroom, careful not to wake the stranger up. Once out, I close the door and set Cereal down. Then my stomach sends me to the kitchen.

I get myself some cereal and pour some dog food into Cereal's bowl on the floor. While he eats, I sit at the kitchen island and eat breakfast.

Eventually, I end up checking my text messages. Some of my friends from work were wondering where I was. One of them joked that I died. 

Yeah, I think I'm still alive and kicking.

Once I assure them that I'm fine, I go to a local police website and look up "missing persons." I look through the pictures, expecting a face to pop up that looks like my guy. Nothing shows up. So I go to the criminal records, just to be safe. Same result.

The guy I saved will eventually have a notice up, right? He's family will get worried, maybe a friend will start looking for him. But I guess I can just wait till he wakes up. Maybe I should call the hospital...


I spot Cereal standing beside the bedroom door.

"Shh, You'll wake him up." I get up and walk over to pick him up. Just as I bend down, the door crashes into my face.

"OW! What the-"

Leaning against the doorway is the guy I saved. He has his arm around his stomach with his hand resting on his wound. His other arm is on the door frame, holding his entire body up.

We stare at each other for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say.



"Sorry, do I know-"

"Are you Ok-" I stop talking and take a deep breath, "Sorry, but- OH MY GOD YOU'RE BLEEDING."

The guy looks down at his hand, which is now covered in blood. He seems a little startled, like "oh dear. I seem to be bleeding." Has he never gotten hurt or something? The amount of blood coming out of him is enough for anyone to faint. The bandages around his chest are already soaked red.

But he just glances back at me and sighs, like this has happened to him before. "I'll live." He starts to take a step forward and stumbles. He grabbed the closest thing to him, the door frame. His side was started to bleed more, and I'm guessing he must have accidentally opened the wound back up while he got out of bed.

"You're not ok. Let me help you." I get up from the floor. I tried to take his arm over my shoulder, but he waved me off.

"I'm fine."

"No. You are not fine." I feel like I should scold him for trying to act tough, when he's probably in a lot of pain.
He waves me off again, so I snap, "You let me help you now or, so help me, I will shot you with a tranquilizer and force you back to bed." I was getting worried, my voice was started to rise and get louder. He looked slightly shocked from my tone. I took the opportunity to hang his arm around my shoulders and grab his not bleeding side.

He recovered from his shock fast, and he started struggling to get away. "Unhand me this instant!" He demanded.


"I said let go!!" He tried again.

Cereal let out a couple more barks and scrambled around our feet.

"No." I pulled him back into my room. If he was heavy before, awake and struggling was even harder to carry. His whining was also not helping. Somehow I was able to force him back to bed. The only problem was he refused to lay down.

The ridiculous man just sat on the bed glaring at me like I had just personally attacked his pride. "I do not know how you were able to capture me, but I will not lay back so you can attack. You think you can trick me that easily? NO! Furthermore, I demand my clothes back. It's dreadfully chilly in here."

Cereal appeared from out of nowhere and licked his hand. The stranger yanked it back and cradled it. His face instantly flashed with pain. He was losing blood, so I had to work fast.

"Listen," I start, kneeling down beside the bed. He shifted backward and stared at me with suspicion. "I don't know who you are, but I want to help you. You don't have to trust me or stay here. But if you let me help you now, I'll do whatever I can to get you back on your feet and home. Just please decide fast because we don't have time for arguing."

He watched me for a moment, a bloody hand pressed against his side. "What's in it for you? Who are you?"

This guy was too paranoid.

"My name is Cora Porter, and I don't like having dead guys in my room. It's alive or I kick you out." I hold out my hand, "Do we have a deal?"

"Will I be in charge?"

"Sure- maybe... depends on how you behave."

He hesitated, but took my hand and shook. "Deal. Now heal me."


Hope you had a great Christmas!

Update every Wednesday

~Peace peps~

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