Part 30: Poison in a Broken King's Eyes

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Two updates on a Monday, for your Monday blues.


Cora fell asleep on the floor. She's been working hard lately, so I guess she earns it, but she totally passed out.

I let the beast out of it's cage for her and he "helps" me carry Cora to the couch. Not really helped, more like ran near my legs and was a big annoying nuisance. The beast brought me his bowl again, indicated that it is hungry. I myself am hungry, but I did not wake Cora up from her slumber. I instead feed the beast on my own- yes, all by myself. I find a box of food from the cupboard labled: fruit loops. The name was very misleading. I didn't find a single fruit in it.

I feasted anyway.

Later, I change my cloths into what Cora called pjs and slipped into the bed, leaving the door open in case Cora need me. Sleep came quickly.


I wake up suddenly in my bed.

No, that can't be right.

I'm IN my bedroom. The bedroom in Middle-World, not on earth. How did I get here?

A sound comes from outside, like a shout. I almost don't notice it, but I hear it again. I can't tell what it is. It sounds sick, almost hollow.

Suddenly, I have moved. I'm not in bed, and somehow, I have walked to the throne room- or maybe I was teleported. Father is looking down at me on a larger than normal throne. Father opens his mouth to speak, but he starts to blend and shift.

Igneous is suddenly in his place. The evil smile sits unnatural on his lips. He's wearing Father's clothes, holding Father's staff.

I want to scream, to rip him off the throne. You don't belong there, I want to shout, you never belonged there! But my lips are taped together. My legs don't listen to me when I tell them to run. They feel like they're attached to chains. Maybe they are, I can't tell.

My brother smiles, "Oh, Kako, if only you could save them." He laughs, his voice bouncing around the hall. I try to run. Someone screamed.

Igneous vanished. I was outside, in the tall grass clearing. The forest was in front of me, and the sun was just setting, creating the beautiful sky turn shades of orange. I recognized the area. My brothers and I played gladiators here when we were younger, Nero was at least 200 years old. We took turns pretending be lions and gladiators, and spent hours on end hiding in the tall grass. The clearing had a great view of the castle. I could see it if I looked behind me.

I turned to look at it, but stopped short. Flames.

All of a sudden, the sky was blood red. Fire raged across the forest behind me, eating everything in it's path. The castle was in flames. I took a step back.

This couldn't be real.

I'm not home. It's all a dream.

The fire crawled like a leopard from tree to tree. It's hunger was imaginable, it wouldn't stop tearing away at everything. Once it hit the grass, it picked up speed at an alarming rate. It was coming towards me.

For once my legs listened to my commands.

I ran.

I ran fast towards the untouched trees across the clearing. The fire snarled like a savage animal around me. I watched, helplessly, as it spread fast around the grass far away from me. I was trapped on all sides.

I can't control fire that well, and honestly it's not my favorite element. Though it is a destruction element, it is much to difficult and exhausting to work with. I gave up on learning how to harness it as a student.  Now I  wish had been more patient.

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