Part 24: A Kiss Good Night

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Next stop is the tattoo place.

We walk to it since it's so close, but I hate every minute of it. It's starting to get cold, and it's dark. Flashbacks of finding Kako bloody and defenseless keep popping into my head. The street lights make the city look pretty, sure, but I'm freezing my butt off. I don't care about prettiness.

Kako is now my heat source. We're holding hands again, but I'm absolutely done with that business. I instead cling to his entire arm, wrapping my arms around his one. He doesn't seem to mind so far. Every so often I glance up at him. He seems relaxed.

We don't walk in silence anymore. Dawn starts telling me a story as soon as we leave the restaurant. Dallas is in a full rant with Kako about some video game that just came out, even though Kako doesn't even know what he's talking about. Raymond is putting in a few words to Dallas's rant every now and then. Everyone is smiling and having a good time.

Except me. Only because I'm cold.

Kako looks down at me curiously. He stops walking, forcing me and everyone else to stop.

"Is there a problem Cora?" He asks me.

Dawn chuckles. "I know exactly what's wrong." 

She sure does. I always complain whenever we go somewhere cold or outside in the winter. She knows better than anyone how easily I can get cold.

Dawn pulls me off Kako and gives me a big hug. "Let's share body heat Cora!" She giggles and I can't help but smile. She may be bossy, annoying, and a loud talker, but she's a good best friend.

Someone taps my shoulder and I wiggle in Dawn's arms to look. Kako gives me a small wave and squats down. "Hop on, you might get warmer."

Dawn giggled and practically shoved me at Kako. "Hurry up or she'll get frostbite!"

I smile at her. I get on Kako's back and he staggers up. I sit my head on his shoulder and whisper, "Are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt your side."

Kako smiles, "I'll be fine. Remember, I'm a god! I can handle this."

I can't help but roll my eyes. He's such a dork.

Everyone starts moving again. Dallas is still ranting about his game with Kako, Dawn is chatting with Raymond, and I'm getting warmer.

Strangely warmer. Not like body heat warm, but like everywhere warm. My back is warming up, even though it's facing the wind. I don't notice at first, but when I look closer, Kako is using magic. His hands were holding my legs, which were using magic to warm me up. It was... very thoughtful. I'll need to thank him later.

I'm all warmed up when we get to the tattoo place. I have Kako set me down inside, though I wish I could stay up so he could keep warming me. Raymond goes over to talk to the artist that will be doing their tattoos.

"What is this place." Kako asks.

"You get Tattoos here. Do you know what those are?" I reply.

Kako brightens, "Yes, I do. Are you getting one?"

"Seriously? No way! I can't stand needles." I shiver at the thought.

Kako looks thoughtful, then nods. "I wish to get one."

Now that surprises me. "Really? Are you sure?"


"Ok... go talk to Raymond quick."

Kako nods and walks over. Dawn wanders over to stand in his place.

"Where do you want to go while they get tattoos." She asks.

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