Part 34: Insult Champion.

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Big heads up!!! New Cover and Title coming soon! Name will be changed to "Babysitting a God."


I woke up before everyone... which was a first.

 A terrific accomplishment. Cora looks like an angel when she sleeps, while Sparrow looks like she survived a hurricane. Red hair tangled and blankets on the floor. They're both sound asleep.

There I go, sounding like a creep.

I feel much better today. Maybe because I have a chance to go home, or because there was no dreams last night. Either way, I'm ready to work. I ignore the urge to wake up the girls and head out to the barn.

The sun hasn't risen, yet the sky is turning pink and the night creatures are no where in sight. The old door creaks as it opens. I flick on the lights. The chariot's carriage sits on the workbench, waiting for Sparrow to return to work. It'll have to settle for me.

My magic reserves are only half of what it usually is, so I need to be careful with how much I use. I also need to remember to practice magic every morning so it doesn't build up.

My magic flicks on like a light as I call upon it. Pieces and parts float from the floor and clink together with the carriage. It makes a perfect carriage right before my eyes. Since I'm not too good with fire, I make my magic heat up at certain points on the carriage, then I freeze it fast. The pieces mold together and the carriage becomes solid.

And Sparrow thought I was in the way!

The magic sets the carriage down gently and the left overs return to me. I mentally check how much magic I have left.

I lost a small section of my half. Not too bad.

"What are you doing?"

I glanced in alarm at the door.

Sparrow leaned against the door frame, clutching a large wooden club like she was planing on knocking my head off. She glanced from me, to the chariot.

"You finished it?"


Sparrow leaned the club down against the wall and walked over to workbench. "You couldn't wait for me to wake up? You didn't even put the stabilizer on! You're as dumb as a- a fish-chicken nugget!"

"Hey, in my defense, I was left unsupervised. Also, you have to admit that wasn't your best insult."

"Shut up Kako, I'm too tired to think up anything clever. I thought you were a burglar." Sparrow lifted a strange box looking thing and put it on the back of the chariot.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I didn't mean to scare her, I just wanted to help. 

Sparrow picked up the wielder, not even glancing my way, "Yeah, well, tell one of us next time you decide to go out in the dark for a side quest."

I watch her work in silence. She works with focus you wouldn't expect from someone that just woke up. For a half-elf, she's very good at engineering. Elves are known for creating beautiful and strong machines and creations. Anyone could recognize that she was one of them, and that Sparrow was a natural at this. She had the same look of a hard worker as any other elf I've seen in my lifetime.

Sparrow fires down her torch machine and catches me staring.

"Like what you see, my lord?" She teased.

I can't help but glare, "αυτό που ψάχνω σε Δεν μπορώ να σταθεί!"

Sparrow laughed and blew me kisses, "Love you too darling! σ'αγαπώ! "

"σε μισώ."

"I hate you too!" She purred. Sparrow motion to the front of the chariot, while she went to the other side and put her hands under the back of the carriage. I walked in between the shafts and grabbed the front. Sparrow counted to three and we heaved it up. I walked forward while she walked backwards through the large doorway to a grassy area. We set it down in the soft grass.

Sparrow panted and stretched, "Now all we need is our horse, and we're all set to go."

I froze. Of course we needed a horse. 

She noticed my panicked face and laughed. "Relax boy! I've got it covered. Let's wait for Cora though, we don't want to leave her out of all the fun."


I love writing Sparrow's and Kako's conversations. They're such rivals, trying to win Cora's attention XD

Sorry for anyone who is cringing right now over my greek. I'm using google translate...

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Big heads up!!! New Cover and Title coming soon! Name will be changed to "Babysitting a God."

Updates every week!

~Peace my dudes~

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