Chapter 10

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Harry looked deeply into my eyes. His eyes were so familiar. The dark, beautiful green glimmered with the daylight leaking through the big window.

"It's been a while." He smirked. He stood, leaning against the wall. His arms crossed in front of his chest. He focused on me.

I stood looking outside the window, watching Niall furiously shoveling snow and piling it up on the grass. I felt bad.

"We have a lot to catch up on." He left the wall and walked closer to me.

"How did you know I was here?" I finally asked. I was scared of Harry, but I didn't quite understand why. I've known him for more than half of my life. But now, he was just super intimidating.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean? I got accepted into Grant. It was just a coincidence that you were here too." He smirked his usual smirk. The smirk he uses when he's up to something.

I shook my head in disbelief. "No, Harry. You had to of known I was here."

"And even if I did know, you should be happier to see me. You love me and I love you."

My eyes fluttered open and closed. I was wrong about him. I assumed he forgot about me like I forgot about him and began to love Niall. I must not have been thinking.

"You do love me still, right?" He walked closer to me so that we were only inches apart. "You promised before they separated us, remember?"

He was getting closer and closer. His arm wrapped around my waist and his forehead rested upon mine.

He was going to kiss me and if I didn't stop him, we'd both be sorry.

But luckily, I didn't have to do it. He did it alone.

Celine walked into the room and before she had a chance to look at us, Harry was already off of me and immediately at Celine's side.

"Alright, Harry. Let's go!" She grabbed his wrist and led him out of the room.

Before he was gone for sure, he looked back at me and winked.

I let out a long, frustrated breath.

I found myself whispering aloud to myself. Asking if that really just happened.

He was back, forever and I'll have to put up with him forever.

I hiked through the snow, shovel in hand and caught up with Niall.

"Took you long enough." He spoke.

I began to shovel next to him, feeling sorry for the amount of time I spent talking to Harry.

"What did *he* want?" He signaled to Harry, who was across the street walking right beside Celine. Harry looked at me, still smirking.

As fast as I could, I looked away, continuing to focus on the snow.

"He just asked me questions about Celine." I lied for the second time today. "He likes her." I added.

Niall nodded, showing me that he understood. I could tell his anger was somewhat diminished.

We finished our punishment in total silence, which was really odd for us because we usually share some good laughs. But not today.

I knew Niall was jealous. He has it hard because he has to put up with Harry staring at me and Celine liking Harry.

Niall likes me and used to like Celine. So, I can't imagine the amount of jealously that's boiling up inside of him.

But I never drew Niall out to be the jealous type. He always seemed pretty chill.

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