Chapter 15

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The image of Harry throwing pots and pans, replayed in my head and it hurt. It hurt more now than it did then.

Swear words flew out of his mouth as he knocked things off their shelves.

I've never encountered a situation where the noise was louder than that. And I've never encountered a person being so angry before.

Harry wasn't just angry. He was pissed. Pissed that I moved on and he lost his chance. Pissed that I broke the promise he thought we had.

I had no lies, no excuses left to tell. Everything that is going to be said now, is nothing but the truth. I can't afford to lose Niall or Celine due to my constant bullshitting. And maybe even Harry. I guess I didn't want to lose Harry either.

He was the only friend I had my whole life.

Even though he was a pain in the ass, I still see him as my first real best friend. At least that's what I *wanted* to think of him as . . . But now, after I've seen so him pissed, I'm not sure how I feel about him anymore.

But why was I letting myself blame other people? Why am I not realizing that I am a huge factor in this equation?

If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't be happening. We wouldn't have even been in the kitchen today, working. We wouldn't even have gotten sent to the administration office that one day.

If I only told Harry about me and Niall earlier, and told him that me and him could still be friends, none of this would've happened.

The amount of guilt I had for myself was over the top.

But why did Harry have to come here, to Grant? He had to of known I was here. As many times as he denied it, I knew he was lying.

The sound of a slamming door awakened me.

I woke up, and got out of bed, making my way out to the living area. That's where I found Celine, sitting on the ground crying. Her arms hugged her knees to her chest and she rocked back and forth.

I sprinted over to her as fast as I could, instantly waking myself up.

Once I was beside her, I held her tightly in my arms. I played with her hair until she was ready to talk.

"It's Harry . . ." She continued to sob. "He . . . he smacked me!"

I froze before I spoke.

My heart stopped when Celine lifted her head from her knees. "Look!" She cried, pointing to a large red mark on her left cheek.

"Why would he do something like that?!" I sprang up from the floor to get Celine an ice pack but stopped when she began to speak again.

"It's all because of you."

That's when I started panicking because now Celine knows something. Probably from Harry too, which means no good.

I gulped, scarcely. "W-what do you mean?"

"I know that you and Harry dated before, Skylar. And that's why he's pissed, because you're Niall's now."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. I was amazed at how right she was. But also, how wrong she was at the same time.

"I never dated Harry." I said to her, looking into her eyes. "Where'd you get that from?" It's true, I've never dated Harry. We just kissed once or twice before they separate us.

"Lucky guess." The look on her face was wicked. I didn't even know who she was anymore.

I shook my head. "We'll you're wrong. So get your facts straight."

"If I'm wrong, then why else would Harry hit me?" She stood up, we were about the same height. "He was pissed, so he slapped me. He took all his anger out on me, all because of you." Her index finger pointed at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "So it's my fault he slapped you?"

She nodded her head, up and down, up and down.

"Let's face it Skylar, you're just another fake person in all our lives. Don't expect to have Niall in your life for much longer, either."

She walked past me, bumping shoulders with me.

Great. Not only did she know about me and Harry. But now she knows about me and Niall.

Could my stay at Grant possibly get any worse?

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