Chapter 14

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Pots and pans crashed to the ground, making loud noises as they hit the kitchen floor.

"That bastard!" He screamed, continuing to throw the pans to the ground.

I began to cry. I've created a monster. Is this really what I get for telling the truth? A temper tantrum from the scariest boy I've ever known?

I crouched down beside the wall and covered my ears as Harry continued his fit.

Tears streamed down my face. I kept watching him, I couldn't stop.

He finally stopped and he stood holding his chest, trying to catch his breath. "God dammit." His voice was stern and cold.

Before he had a chance to say anything to me, the back door opened and in came Niall with Celine.

Niall rushed to my side and hugged me tightly in his arms. I've never felt so safe before.

Celine rushed to Harry, who was leaning against the wall still out of breath. She tried to get him to look into her eyes but he was too busy giving Niall dirty looks.

"Him . . ." He pointed to Niall who was still hugging me. "I will hurt you." He said, through his gritted teeth.

Niall stood up from the dirty ground and looked at Harry, who was sweaty and angry. "You got a problem with me?" Niall asked.

That was probably a dumb question on Niall's part because obviously Harry has a problem with him.

Celine stopped Harry from speaking anymore. "Harry, calm down. Take a seat." She held his hand and helped him sit down on a box.

"Niall. Stop." I whined through my many tears.

He shook his head, not looking back at me. "Ever since the day I met you, you've been looking at Skylar like she's yours!"

"Niall, please stop!" I got up and stayed standing against the wall.

"She was mine." Harry demanded under his breath.

Before Niall had a chance to charge at Harry, I grabbed his wrist tightly and held him back. Now's my chance to set things straight.

"Stop it, both of you!" I began, screaming. "This is unbelievable. Do you two realize how much trouble we've gotten into in the past couple days? I don't know about you guys, but I really don't feel like getting kicked out Grant and sent home to tell my family that I got expelled because of all this bullshit. So both of you, grow up and realize that we could be a peaceful group of friends if it wasn't for you two selfish assholes!" Once I was finished with my rant, it was dead.

The silence was unbearable. Everyone sat staring at me. I don't think anyone here has ever seen me so heated before.

Harry cleared his throat, "Skylar, maybe we could be a peaceful group of friends if you learned how to tell the truth instead of hiding everything." He barked at me.

"What truth?" Niall asked.

I gave Harry an evil eye. I was still breathing heavily from my yelling session.

Now I had no choice but to tell Niall about me and Harry.

Niall remained staring at me, waiting for an explanation. He was silent.

"Tell Principal Westing I got sick, Celine." I grabbed my coat and bolted out of the kitchen, tears steaming down my face.

I don't want to be here anymore. Why is it such a big deal if I get expelled from Grant? I want to leave.

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