Chapter 2- Drunk In Love

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Hey guys! so this is ch2 of this fic, please share, vote, comment and give me your thoughts! :) thank you so much! :* 


(Jade’s P.O.V)

 “So, enough about me! How’re thing’s going for you?” I asked Sam. We were having a good conversation over a cup of coffee and I was pleased that he seemed to have no hard feelings after everything that had happened.

 Sam looked nervously at the floor. “It’s okay” I said, “I won’t judge”

 He sighed and started rubbing the back of his neck, “Not great, actually. That’s mainly why I asked you to meet me. People are giving me a lot of stick for ‘abandoning’ you. They think that after everything that happened that I just dumped you” he paused, reflecting for a moment, before continuing.

 “It’s really gotten me down. Even guys at work are telling me how much of an idiot I was to ‘break-up’ with you. I’ve been living off of takeaways and I spend my evenings watching movies I’ve seen so much I could probably recite the whole script. I just wanted to ask you, when is everyone gonna find out the real reason?”

 I took Sam’s hand and smiled at him sympathetically. This had really shaken him up. I felt absolutely terrible to know that I was the cause of it.

 “I’m so sorry, Sam. You’ve been so great to keep it in so long, most people would probably just tell the whole world if they had to go through that. But we’re working on it, I promise. Believe me, I want the world to know as much as you do. But it’s out of my hands- it’s up to management. They said we must wait until we’re more established. But it’ll be soon, Sam, trust me”

 He smiled at me sweetly with that smile of his that used to make me weak at the knees. “Thanks, Jade. I knew you’d be honest. Thanks for coming to meet me”

 I smiled back at him, “You’re more than welcome, Sam. Anytime you want to talk I’m only a phone call or, in this case, a coffee away”

 He laughed, “I’d better be off then. My break’s nearly over. Oh, and Jade?”


 “Best of luck with you and Perrie. You two make a great couple. I can’t wait for everyone to see how happy you two are” he smiled, “And tell Perrie I said hi, yeah?”

 I smiled, “Thanks Sam, it means a lot. And of course I will”

 Sam stood up and, being the perfect gentleman he always was, pulled out my chair for me. Once I got up he kissed me on the cheek.

 “Bye, Jade” he smiled.

 “Bye” I waved.

 I watched as he left the café. Now I knew that we had an extra pressure to come out even quicker and tell the whole story to the fans. I couldn’t stand to see someone as sweet as Sam being targeted like that. It was my fault he was in such a bad place and was my duty to fix it.

 (Perrie’s P.O.V)

 “So how’re things going between you and Jade?” Zayn asked. I was calling him as One Direction were on tour in Tokyo and I hadn’t spoken to him in a few days. We were still best friends and I really missed him when he went away.

 I smiled instantly at the mention of Jade’s name. The girl I had been uncontrollably in love with for nearly 3 years.

“Brilliant! Perfect, actually. But I wanna come out to every body; I don’t like sneaking around all the time.”

 “I know, Pez” Zayn said, “I want you two to be public too. I want them to know how happy you are”

 “I mean it’s getting pretty annoying. I must sneak with my own girlfriend. It’s getting harder and harder to resist her at public events. I’ve to try to avoid her in case I’d do something stupid” I paused for a moment, realising that for Jade and I to come out Zayn and I would either have to ‘break-up’ or come clean about everything.

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