Chapter 16- My Love

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Hey guys so here's chapter 16, let me know what you think;)

(Perrie's P.O.V)

"Okay so you're set to go" the make-up artist informed me. I smiled at her before I took a deep breath and rose from the chair, artificial dark marks marring my face and collarbone.

I went over to Jade, who was sat on the floor up against the peeling wall. She stared blankly at the filthy ground. I hated seeing her like this. I wanted the old vibrant Jade back, but I knew it wasn't anyway possible at a time like this.

"Hey Jadey, you okay?" I slid down the wall and next to her. As she turned her face to me I immediately noticed the fear in her eyes. It broke my heart to see her so scared. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it tightly. I felt her tiny hand trembling.

"Babe, it's going to be okay" I tried to comfort her.

She looked at me seriously, "I have a very bad feeling about this" she croaked.

"Jade, I've seen your acting, you're brilliant, don't worry about it" I assured her.

"It's not the acting Pez.... it's all of this. They're planning something I know it. It can't be this simple"

"Well we can't not do this now Jade. It's the perfect opportunity to catch them-"

"And to get killed" she interjected.

"Jade" I looked at her sternly. "Stop thinking like that. I know this is hard, but it's the best thing to do"

She sighed heavily and rubbed her temple.

"Now come on" I got up and put out my hand for her. "It's time for us to film the video"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before taking my hand and hauling herself from the ground.

"You look amazing, by the way" I joked, referring to the black and blue shades of eye shadow that scarred various areas of her face.

She chuckled lightly. "Good luck babe" she smiled weakly.

"You too Jadey" I kissed her cheek before leading her to the filming area.

We sat ourselves onto the cold, hard ground of the derelict building, and, as we had rehearsed numerous times in the hours pre-filming, Jade cuddled into my chest and started fake sobbing. Sam put up his thumb to let us know he was recording.

Jade cried lowly, muffled by my chest, before sobbing, "What are we going to do, Pez? I hate this, I really hate this!"

I forced back a proud smile at hw good her acting was. I put on my very best miserable/tired/desperate face and replied in a cracked voice, "I don't know baby but at least we're together" I pulled her closer into me.

Sam walked up to us, phone held out in front of him while it recorded. I pretended to only then realise we were being filmed and I kicked my legs angrily and screamed at the top of my lungs, cursing violently, trying to seem as furious and frustrated as possible. Frank came into the view of the camera and roared at me before drawing his leg back to kick me (acting) before Sam stopped the video.

Sam raised his hand, signalling the end of the video. He watched it over himself and nodded in satisfaction.

"Perfect girls" he said, "We're done here for today. I'll send this on now"

Jade looked at me hopefully, "I hope this works" she said, wiping the fake tears from her cheeks.

"Me too babe, me too"

(Jade's P.O.V)

"Okay so when they are entering through here" Sam pointed to a point on the map of the warehouse, "Me and other policeman will be hiding behind here" he pointed to another spot, "and when they all have come in, Frank said there's 14 others, we'll jump up and point our guns at them.... and hopefully they'll surrender"

I couldn't help but notice how dismally he had said the last part. It seemed as if he was still trying to convince himself that this plan would work, never mind the rest of us.

"So Perrie and I are basically open targets" I said bluntly. I waited, studying his nervous facial expression carefully, but he didn't respond.

"And what if one of us get shot?!" I asked annoyed.

"Jade!" he half-shouted.

"No Sam!" I rebuked. "This is too dangerous, you need to make a new plan!"
I knew I was being obnoxious and arrogant but I didn't care right then. I needed to tell him how bad his plan was; I didn't want there to be any chance of Perrie getting hurt again.  She'd suffered enough in the past month.

"This is the only way" he replied listlessly.

"5am! I'll be here! You two be ready!" Sam ordered before leaving the hotel room without so much as a simple goodbye.

He was clearly pissed off with me but I couldn't help it. And I knew that he was extremely stressed over this entire investigation. Plus he knew he'd dropped us and himself right in it.

I groaned loud enough to clearly voice my displeasure and annoyance. Leigh-Anne and Jesy looked at my sympathetically, tears in their eyes. They were worried out of their minds for Perrie and I.

"5 am!!? That's way too early!" Perrie complainee. I laughed slightly, that was typical Perrie. She cared more about her sleep than the fact that our lives were on the line the next day.

"C'mon then, Pez, we'd better get to bed if we have to get up that early"

She groaned in discontent just as I had. "5am..." she muttered, shaking her head.

"Girls! I know we've said it like a billion times today but good luck tomorrow, okay? We love you two so much and be safe!" Leigh said, tears escaping her eyes.
Herself and Jesy hugged us tightly and kissed our cheeks.

"You two take care of each other, okay?" Jesy balked, tears flowing down her cheeks. The sight of her and Leigh-Anne made my heart shatter. A lump formed in my throat and I felt it go dry.

All I could muster in response was a nod and I was conscious of the fact that my voice had probably turned into one reminiscent of a frog's. We group hugged one last time before our other two bandmates left our hotel room hesitantly.
Perrie and I changed into pyjamas and slithered under the covers and into bed. We hadn't said a word to each other since the girls left, mainly because we were trying to hold backs buckets of tears, but also because we were trying to come to terms with the fact that that may well have been the last time we would see our two bestest friends.

Once I had manoeuvred myself into my usual position of being wrapped in Perrie's loving arms, she finally broke the silence.

"Jade" she took hold of my hand and rubbed the back of it with her thumb, "Just in case I don't get to say this tomorrow, or ever again, I love you. I love you with every fibre of my being. I've loved you non-stop for 3 years and I always will. I'll love you until I die, however soon that may be, and if there's a life after that, I'll love you then. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you, and that I know for sure. You're the one, Jade Amelia Thirlwall, you're the one"

If I hadn't been sobbing before her words then the tears were gushing from my eyes now. But they weren't sad tears, not entirely, most of them were happy tears. Tears of joy that I got to call someone as wonderful as Perrie my girlfriend.

Perrie started to cry too. But she smiled widely as she did. She turned me around in her arms to face her and she kissed my lips slowly and gently, before kissing she tears from my cheeks too.

As soon as I was able to form any sentences I croaked, "Perrie, you are the single most important thing in my life. Everything I do, say, think and feel is related to you. You were made for me and I feel so bloody fortunate to be able to call you mine. You mean the world to me, and when I do die, I'll rest easy knowing I've lived a life worth living because I'd have spent it with you. I love you more than words could ever do justice, Perrie Edwards, I love you"

She smiled from ear to ear through the tears and cupped my face before kissing me passionately.  We put all our everlasting love, all the love we'd just proclaimed, into that kiss. Once we pulled away she pulled me into a hug, holding me as tight as humanly possible. 

"I'm never letting you go" she whispered into my ear, "Whatever happens tomorrow,  I'll always be by your side" she kissed my cheek softly and relaxed into the bed, locking me in her loving embrace,  "Always" she repeated, "Always"

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