Chapter 17-Heart Attack

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I know this is short but I want to leave ye hanging lol ;) vote, comment and let me know what you think;)


(Perrie's P.O.V)

"SAM!!!! NO!!!"

Jade's desperate screams bombarded my ears. My head was spinning violently and I felt as if I was about to collapse at any second. It seemed like the whole world was caving in on me as I ran away with a bellowing and distressed Jade locked in my arms.

How the hell had it come to this?


"Girls! Take your positions, they're minutes away!" Sam called frantically. Jade grabbed my hand and we swiftly got in position. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like a heart attack was fast approaching. The fact that I still had concussion only contributed to the already dismal situation.

"Jade" I stuttered. She smiled at me, trapping my hand in hers and squeezing it with a vice like grip. But there was a look in her eyes that I'd rarely ever seen. It was a formidable mixture of courage and determination. There was no fear sneaking around in those big brown eyes whatsoever. I was sure my eyes read the exact opposite.

"Yeah babe?" she asked quietly, her captivating eyes peering into my soul.

"Remember what I said to you last night?" she nodded.

"Don't forget it" I whispered.

She beamed at me. "I will. I love you Perrie". As she leaned in to kiss me I heard the droning of an engine fast approaching the warehouse. Jade connected our lips and kissed me quickly but I cherised every second like it was our last. Which it quite possibly could have been.

I felt Jade tug on my arm as she pulled away and I realised the noise that had filled the air moments before had disappeared. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Jade took my hand and squeezed it again, this time holding her grip.

I stole a quick glance at her. Her brows were knitted together, full of concentration. I looked ahead to see Frank and Rodger slide back the door to reveal a haunting image.

Our worst enemies.

There were 14 of them, as Frank had said, all dressed identically in black leather and they were lined up in a row. They briefly greeted their reunited members before strutting towards Jade and I. I broke out in a sweat and my heart rate must have doubled as they neared us.

Jade and I had gotten our make-up done again, even worse than the day before to make it seem like we'd recently been abused.

The group slowly advanced towards us, grinning ruthlessly at our miserable and terrified expressions, which at this stage probably weren't put on anymore. As they did I noticed something that made my heart literally skip a beat

They all had, swung over their shoulder, guns. And they weren't just normal little pistols. These were huge. They were the sort you'd see in a war movie.

"Perrie!" Jade squealed in a barely audible whisper.

The man in the middle of the row, who I assumed to be their leader, suddenly halted as they approached us. He was extremely tall, lean but not excessively muscular and he wore a merciless smirk on his face.

He slipped his hand behind him and onto his gun as he sniffed the air. A furious look descended upon his features. He looked directly at Jade and I with a cold, terrifying glare.

"Cops!!" he yelled.

What happened next is pretty much a big blur to me.

I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye the police leap out of their hiding place. I forced my eyes shut as Jade latched onto me. Deafening shots and shouts of pain and anger were audible.

I prayed to God to end this. I remember glancing at Jade. Her gaze was fixed straight ahead of her, an unmistakable fear engulfing her eyes. I averted my eyes in the same direction to see just what was horrifying her.

Running right towards us, with his gun held out before him, ready to aim, was the leader of the men. There was no time to move. And even if there was I was sure that my legs would have gone from under me.

Everything seemed to turn to slow motion as I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the killing shot to fire into me. The unbearable pain. I heard the scream and shot but felt no pain. And I knew it wasn't Jade. It wasn't her scream. I immediately heard more screams, but these did belong to her.

I opened my eyes to find a desperate Jade kneeling beside a man, roaring at the top of her lungs. I scrambled onto my feet, shots still firing all around me and without even glancing at the body that lay in a pool of blood, I snatched Jade up into my arms and ran.

I didn't even know what the hell I was doing. I didn't even know where I was going as my vision was blurred by tears, tears triggered by seeing Jade in such a state. I just ran. I ran for my life and for Jade's.

Bullets continually whizzed past me but I proceeded to run. A retaliating Jade battled with me to release her as I searched for a way out of this living nightmare.

"SAM!!! NO!!!" she cried, "SAM!!!"

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