Chapter 4- Nobody's Perfect

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Hey guys :D so this is a veryy long chapter but I thought I'd treat ye haha ;) please keep voting, commenting and sharing, u guys are the best <3 :* 


(Jade’s P.O.V)

 “And then I saw the picture and I couldn’t believe it and I shouted at Perrie and I started crying and she started crying and I shouted more and I stormed out the house and came to you and I just can’t believe she’d do something like that after everything” I said frantically, attempting to explain to Jesy what happened.

 “Calm down baba” she rubbed my back. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and she attempted to dry them, only for more to come along.

 “Where’s this photo? How do you even know it’s her?” Jesy asked.

 “It is her, Jes, It looked exactly like her. It had the same clothes as her on and when I gave out to her she knew exactly what I was on about so something did happen, it was her, hang on I have it on my phone” I sobbed. I put my hand into my pocket, expecting to find my phone but it was nowhere to be found. I checked in my purse but it wasn’t there either. Then I remembered I’d left it on the kitchen table in all my rage.

 “It’s on twitter anyway” I sniffled, trying to calm myself down. I just couldn’t believe she’d do this. After all we’d been through, after all she’d done for me, it was just not like her at all. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. Jesy searched twitter for the photo, and sure enough, it didn’t take her long to find it. It was probably headline news by this stage.

 “Oh” Jesy’s eyes widened when she saw the photo. I couldn’t help but let out another whimper. “Aww come here Jadey” she pulled me into a hug.

 We sat in silence for a little while, not really knowing what to say or to do to make the situation any better. Why did this even have to happen? Perrie and I were going so perfectly; and now this. Why did my life always have to be so complicated?

 I glanced at Jesy, who had a look of deep concentration on her face.

 “Jes?” I asked, slightly worried as to what she was thinking about.

 She shook her head, “Perrie wouldn’t have done this, Jade. I’m sorry but she wouldn’t.”

 “As much as I want to believe you Jesy, the evidence is there” I sobbed. I wiped the tears from my cheek with my sleeve, for around the millionth time. I was an emotional wreck.

 Perrie meant so much to me, which is why I was hit so hard when something like that came up. Even though I knew it couldn’t have been a typical affair, I was only out of her sight for five minutes all night, it was still heart breaking to see it, because the thought of losing the person I loved above all others was unbearable.

 It made me think that maybe she was sick of me. Maybe that’s why she kissed him. The worst experience you’ll ever feel is when you’re madly in love with someone, but they don’t love you back. What if she didn’t love me anymore? All these thoughts ran round my head in circles, tantalising me.

 “I’m sure there’s a good reason for this” Jesy said defiantly, still not believing Perrie had done such a terrible thing. Although deep down I couldn’t actually make myself believe she’d done it,  but when you see something like that you always assume the worst, don’t you?

 “Perrie loves you, Jade. I know it. Only the other day she was gushing to me about how she could see herself with you for the rest of her life” she revealed.

 I gasped. She had said that? Sure we’d known each other nearly 3 years, but we’d only be together for a year next month, yet she was already imagining us together forever? It hit me like a ton of bricks. She loved me. She really loved me. She couldn’t have meant this kiss. There had to be a mistake.

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