Chapter 12- Rather Be

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Hey guys :) I know I haven't updated this for a while and I'm so so so sorry :( but I was finding it hard to write this story so I concentrated on oneshots on my Tumblr (ben-andjerries) for a while, but I'm back now and I promise I'm not disappearing again ;) This fic will be updated Saturdays and Wednesdays again like before ;) Anyway here's chapter 12, I hope you enjoy it and keep voting,  commenting and sharing :) Thank you so much guys :*


(Jade's P.O.V)

"And then we got swarmed by fans" My storytelling session with Sam and Perrie was interrupted by a knock on the door of the hotel room.

Perrie was out of hospital with two days, thank God; she despised the place. She was fully healthy besides having a few dizzy spells here and there, but that was all. As expected, her memory or any part of her mentality was not affected by the explosion. 

She was told to take a week off and then we could resume our tour. But it had to be strictly singing only; Perrie wasn't allowed or able to dance, not for at least a month.

Sam got up from the bed where the three of us were sitting and answered the door. It was a policeman. 

"Officer Williams! How are you?" Sam exclaimed, shaking the man's hand eagerly.   

"Jade, Perrie,  this is officer Williams. I went down to the station yesterday to offer my help on the case, and I met him there" Sam introduced us to the Policeman.

"Hello girls" he greeted us, to which we responded with a nervous "hello". Why was he here? Had he news?

"That's exactly it. And although we have found some leads, we could really use some experience in these situations,  which I believe you have, Detective Craske" 

Perrie's eyes widened in unison with mine. We looked at other in shock. They had found something?!

"Wait you've got leads?! What are they?!" Perrie questioned desperately. 

The Policeman fixed his badge, which was securely pinned to his chest.

"Well first of all, we've found that this is not the first time an incident like this has happened after a famous couple have come out; it happened numerous times in the 80's and 90's" he informed us.

"Really?" I quizzed.

He nodded, "Yes. And all were solved.  Turns out it was the same group behind all the incidents"

"Wait, a group?  Like against.... us?" Perrie pointed to me and her.

"Yes.... They are a homophobic organisation. They are very exclusive and secretive, and they have never been found to be punished for their crimes. They originate from Europe but they have branches that span the entire world.

"Now they have a distinctive uniform- all black leather. We've found a photo online courtesy of a fan" he pulled a photograph from his pocket and showed it to us, "This was taken the day of the explosion outside the studio. It shows four individuals in such attire entering the studio through a back exit" 

I gulped hard. My head was spinning violently, so I couldn't imagine what my poor girlfriend's was like.

"So you think this is the same group?' I croaked.

"Yes.... they are infamous for this kind of act" the policeman replied. Sam gritted his teeth. 

I could hardly breath. Perrie and I were possibly responsible for dozens of people getting seriously injured. I prayed that the policeman's theories were wrong and that it was an accidental explosion,  but the more I thought about what Officer Williams had said the more likely it seemed. 

"Excuse me" Perrie shot up from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I quickly followed her. I found her leaned over the toilet, hand either side of the toilet seat.

"Babe, just take deeps breaths" I said calmly, attempting to relax her. I put one hand on her waist and rubbed her back gently with my other.

"Please tell me this is a dream Jade" she sobbed,  "Please tell me this isn't a world where we can't be who we truly are".

Painful tears slid down her face from her usually vibrant blue eyes. Her words stabbed my heart- she was right.  This was a world where we couldn't tell everyone who we were without suffering horrible consequences. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I wrapped my arms around her and turned her around to face me. "It's gonna be okay baby. We can't help the way things are. It's not our fault, none of this is. Sam and the Police are going to get to the bottom of this, I know it"

She nodded her head slowly. I wiped her tears from her cheeks with my thumbs.

"Now cheer up, Pez, I hate seeing you upset" I said, smiling. 

She smiled sweetly at me. "You always know what to say Jade" she beamed.

"It's my duty baby" I smiled before kissing her sweet lips softly.

(Perrie's P.O.V)

Jade and I spent the remainder of the day lazing about and cuddling in our hotel room, eating (of course) room service, watching films and reminiscing of South Shields. 

"I miss home so much baby" I sighed, as I cuddled up to her.

"I know baby, I do too, so much. But at least we're together, eh? As long as you're with me there's no place I'd rather be" she smiled. Oh my God, she was such a sweetheart. I honestly don't know where I'd be without her, especially with all that has happened in the last few years. She was truly an angel.

I took her hand and kissed it gently. "I love you Jade" I said.

"I love you too babe" she smiled down at me. We were just about to kiss when the door burst open.

It was Sam. He'd went back to the station with the Policeman and hadn't been back since. He seemed extremely excited.

"What's up?" I asked as Jade and I leapt away from each other and off the bed.

"We've found 'em!" he exclaimed, "We've found the group!"

"Oh my God, are you serious?!" Jade squealed excitedly. 

"Yes!" Sam threw his arms around us and hugged us tightly.

"How'd you do it?" I asked excitedly. 

"Well we did some research and found a name of one of the people in the group. We got his picture and information and found him on twitter.  We used a special device to find out the location of his most recent tweet. Then we rang up hotels in the area and, sure enough,  him and three others are checked in there for the next few days" he explained.  "They're in Amsterdam!"

I jumped up and down in joy. Jade and flung our arms around each other, squealing in delight.

Sam pulled a suitcase out from behind him, "Me and a few other officers are off to Holland now"

"Really?! Stay safe, Sam!" Jade said.

"Thanks love. Well I'd better be off, our flight leaves in an hour" he explained. 

"Okay, good luck" I smiled and we all hugged again.

"Thank you Sam, you're the best" Jade beamed.

"Anything for you girls" he smiled. "Okay, bye!"

"Bye Sam" Jade and I waved simultaneously as we watched him half- run down the hall, suitcase trailing behind him.

"Good luck!" I called after him again.

"I'm gonna need it!" he shouted back.

He most certainly would. For once I actually cared for Sam and hoped he would be alright.  He was risking his life for us. Sure, it was his job, but still. Maybe he isn't so bad after all, I thought as I watched him disappear around the corner. 

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