The Dark Stone

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Written by the author for another story

The Dark Stone, created from Evils Heart
Set; entombed inside a grave
Made from darkness, hate in part
And from greed, the powers rage

Forged in dark and purified in night
Trapped within- bound – a dying fiend
Brings all to shadow and hates the light
With a lust for power and eyes of greed

Warning: Do not hang this round
Less it binds your soul a slave
For all evil is forever bound
To end forever inside the grave

It twists you mind to villainous thoughts
And leads your hands to lustful things
Till you enjoy the death you've wrought
And Darkness; Evil things you bring

And when the dark grips round your heart
Then the Good will make it right
It tears your very self apart
Just as the sun rends 'way the night

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