Discarded in Darkness *

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I've never seen the light of day
The dark is all I've ever known
And I think that I prefer it that way
Either that, or never born

My mind grips my heart in a wicked plan
The world sucks my feet down into the dirt
Pulling me into that sinking sand
Dragging me down in the heart of the earth

Where naught but me is my only friend
And voices regret me deeper still
Where I run away from trying hands
Into my mind where no one will

Hear me call out; I suffocate
In my mind a drowning sea
My words blocked by my guilt and hate
I cannot hear nemo call to me

Blind and deaf, mute and dumb
I stagger through the caverns
In my head I haven't won
For I can't see the heavenss

Dropped in a world of their design
Discarded amongst the vile trash
Viewed as scum
The lowest and last

I do not regret my words or ways
Only that we don't comprehend
How the other works and plays
Or how their mind may twist and bend

But now that I've known your fictitious face
Discarding one as loyal as I
Into that dark and unknowable place
Where everyone shall go to die

I renounce your oaths and discharge your lies!
And break my blood upon this stone
That I will soon view the sunrise
On my new earth and my new home

Built not on your feeble greed
Possessive o're every grain of sand
But on the passionate hearts that feed
On every smile throughout the land

Yes, I cut all ties to your lands
Though you may have pushed my start
For friends are not made by fickle hands
But upon a steadfast heart

For the dark is all I've ever known
And once I would have preferred it that way
But inside me a burning star has born
And I will see that sacred day

Words that FallWhere stories live. Discover now