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A/N: Hello internet! *cheeky finger salute* This is my first ever phanfiction so I hope you enjoy. Please excuse my horrible writing skills and just enjoy it for the content! PS not all of this is completely in line with real past events.

BTW any thing in Italics will be a flashback.


Dan's POV

I wake up on the left side of the bed with an arm draped over my shoulder. I hear a sort of girly mutter coming from beside me.


Oh right, it's just Phil. I smile to myself, turn over to face him and kiss him gently on the cheek.

"Phil you plonker! Get up and tweet already. Today's the day!"

He continues to mumble/snore. Ugh he never listens... but I guess that's why I love him.

"Just hmm fivemm moremm minutes..." mumbles Phil.

I jump out of bed and go to the foot of the bed to whip off the sheets from his lanky body.

"GET UP NOW YOU FUCKING BOY! We have to film Philisnotonfire 12. Remember?" I cry with a cheeky smile. I lean down for a kiss and whisper in his ear about the main topic of this particular Philisnotonfire.

"Okay I'm up now. Why don't you go set up the kitchen I'll come and join you for breakfast." Phil told me with a pleading look on his face.

Of course I listen to him because come on he's so convincing and his face was way too cute to argue. As I walk into the kitchen I see a Sharpie sitting on the kitchen counter. I remember the days of meeting Phil back in 2009.


I wake up on the left side of my bed and I roll to the right side where my phone is laying since last night when I must have fallen asleep scrolling through Twitter and YouTube late last night. I hear a Twitter notification so I quickly open the app.

Phil Lester tweeted:

"Listening to Muse's new album Resistance!"

Of course I reply, who doesn't love Muse?

Danisnotonfire replied:

"Listening too bro!"

Wait why did I just tweet him "bro"? I don't even know.

I cancel out of Twitter and head to YouTube. I am taken into the void of endless videos.


Phil Lester replies to danisnotonfire:

"Hey 'bro' why don't we skype and fangirl over the amazingness of Muse?"

The minute I see the notification I jump from my sofa and pinch myself because this HAS to be a dream right?! Nothing happens. THIS IS NOT A DREAM!!! MY YOUTUBE IDOL WANTS TO SKYPE! But then I remember I am just another fan. He will never see me as any more. I will never be his best friend and I definitely won't ever be his lover.

Danisnotonfire replies to Phil Lester"

"Sure! I will private message you my information. Can't wait to speak to someone who understands my Muse obsession."

Smooth right? Not too fangirly? I definitely don't want to come off as a stalker...


About an hour later I receive a notification from Skype.

"Phil Lester is waiting for you to Skype."

I jump from my mattress and head to the living room. I have to make a good impression. As I walk past my stand up mirror I do a fringe check. All good. As I sit down I take a deep breath and accept the request.


We talked for about 2 hours when we decided it was time to call it quits. We had talked about his YouTube career, how he started out and all that. Did you know he started out with a camcorder found in a cereal box? That was news for me. He really likes cereal now. He said that if he ever had a room mate he would probably eat all of the cereal in the flat. Ha. Good thing I'm not his room mate.. I love my Crunchy Nut cereal. Anyway, we talked about all sorts of things. about how I'm going to law school and I hate it. But we mostly talked about our plans for our future. I tried so hard not to have an existential crisis on Skype. Although how could I? I was fucking Skyping Phil Lester! Closer to the end he told me that he would love to Skype and apparently I'm a nice person to talk to. The funny thing was that throughout the whole thing we only talked about Muse for like 15 minutes at the beginning. God do I love talking to him and looking at those deep blue eyes.


A/N Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Feel free to comment about some ideas!!

Just so you know I will try to be as active as possible.

Be ready for some serious Pheels!!!


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