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Phil's POV

"Have fun at school Lion!" I kiss Yuko lightly on the head and let her run off to class. She's growing up so fast.. Already in year 6..


Dan's POV

Yuko comes running through the front door right into my arms.

"How was your day at school Yuko?"

"Great Daddy! Oh I have something for you! It's from Trinity's mum, she said it's really important! I didn't open the letter because Trinity's mummy scares me.."

"Oh you don't need to be scared! She's just strict, she's a lot different than Dad and I." No. Trinity's mum, Angela, isn't just strict, she always gives Phil and I this look when ever we see her, she gives off a really bad vibe. Oh I'll just read the letter with Phil, I'm sure it's no big deal.

I stroll over to Phil and give him the letter,

"Let's read it together. It's from Angela Collin."


Dear Phil and Dan,

I would like to inform you, my ladies church group and I want to advise you to start thinking about changing your daughter's class. We strongly believe that your kind of people should not have children in the same class as our faith-filled children. Your daughter should be put in the Special-Education class as that is where she can stay away from our children. Your kind have made some poor choices and now would be the chance to redeem yourselves, you might say that you can't change 'who you are' but you can do something about the rest of society, your kind disgust us and don't deserve to have children watch you live in sin. So please, we strongly recommend you have Yuko transferred, for her own good, and the good of the rest of society.

Thank you for your time.

Angela Collin


Seriously? Our kind? What even is this? She obviously doesn't know we are YouTubers because we definitely don't crumble to fucking homophobes like Angela. I look over at Phil with a smile on my face, he looks hurt, yet he has that fire growing in his eyes. I can see it.

"OUR KIND?! Who does she think she is?"

"She's a homophobe Phil. She's just like all those comments. And we know how to deal with people like her." I smile with my sly remark.

"Oh yes we do don't we."

Our method? We stand strong. We don't listen. We are Dan and Phil, we can do anything.


I wake up to Yuko running into our room. She is waving her phone at my face,

"Daddy! I just got a text message from Trinity, what does this mean? I don't get it?"

My eyes are tired but I open them up wide to see the GIF playing on the screen.

"Lion, why are you up? You're getting text messages at this time of night?" I hear Phil mumble, he's still half asleep.

I look over at Phil and gently shake his shoulder, he really needs to see this. I grab Yuko's phone and shove it in Phil's tired face.

"Yuko, Dad and I will figure this out okay? We will talk about it in the morning. Get some sleep. Love you." I kiss Yuko lightly on the forehead and she walks off toward her bedroom.

"So what do you think?" I say with concern.

"I just don't understand how a year 6 girl knows about all this, argh, just get it out of my face, it's disgusting." I pull the phone away from Phil and he sits up on the bed.

I watch the GIF once again. It's a video of us kissing back when we filmed Phil Is Not On Fire 13, but they have the word, "FAGGOT" pasted over the bottom as the screen turns rainbow. Phil's right, it's disgusting.

"Dan, this is cyberbullying. Why did we not expect this? We are internet 'celebrities' obviously Yuko will never be completely safe online."

"I get it. I don't think Yuko understands yet so she doesn't feel bad but this could lead to even more. We have to explain to her what this GIF is about, it's the only way she will learn to be safe and stick up for herself."

"You're right Dan. We will talk to her about it tomorrow, she has the whole weekend to let it soak in, I just hope she'll be alright."

"Everything's gonna be okay Phil, trust me." And with that we fall asleep in each others arms.


"Good morning honey! You excited for the weekend? We have some stuff to talk about but I was thinking we could film a video later today!" I smile at Yuko, she always love filming with Phil and I.

"Yay! What did you want to talk about?" I grab Phil's hand and we sit down on the sofa and motion for Yuko to come and sit down with us.

"That GIF you got last night? It's not a nice message okay? Trinity's mum doesn't think that we are good parents so she is trying to be mean to you, it's called cyberbullying. Ever heard of it?"

"Oh ya, cyberbullying, I think we learned about it last year, it's when people are mean to other people on the internet right?" She still has that cheeky smile on her face.

"That's right. Well that GIF was really mean because it's a video of Daddy and I kissing from a video, which isn't a big deal, but then the word pasted on the bottom is a very rude and offensive word. Lion, you understand that since you have two dads, some people think it isn't right and a lot of people think we shouldn't be together. The word 'faggot' is a really bad word and you are never to repeat it okay?"

"I understand Dad. Are people going to be mean to me at school now?" I see her smile slowly fade. It kills me to see her like this.

"If anyone is mean to you at school, you tell us okay?" I tell Yuko with a comforting, fake smile on my face.

"Okay Daddy. Can we eat breakfast now?" Isn't she just a ray of sunshine, she get's that from Phil I guess.


A/N: Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Some action coming soon!!


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