This Was The Most Fun We've Ever Had

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Dan's POV

"Phiiillll!!" I yell to his room beside mine. I've been trying to put together the invite list for the wedding but I keep second guessing each person I invite.

Phil strolls into my room calmly,



"Woah, slow down Dan. For the 200th time, I'm sure the list is fine. We decided we don't want the wedding to be too big so your list is perfect."

Well that makes me feel a little better. It's just really sad though that Phil's mom isn't coming to her own sons wedding. His dad is coming though. We don't ever talk to his mom after the divorce... Stupid homophobe. I glance over at the pile of envelopes with a pile of invitations directly beside.


You have been invited to Dan Howell and Phil Lester's wedding on October 19th 2023 at the London Hall. (yes we know we are a year late...) Please keep all this information confidential. Please RSVP to either Dan or Phil by June 12th.


October 19th, 2023

Phil's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. Fringe check. I'm ready. After today I am going to be Phil Howell. Does that sound okay? I'm just so happy to finally be getting married to Dan after all of the bumps in our road. I slide my notecard with my vows into my trouser pocket, and I grab my fathers arm and walk to the bottom of the aisle.

Dan's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. Fringe check. I'm ready. I hear the music sounding in the hall. Phil must be walking down the aisle right now. Now it's my turn to join him. I slide my vows into my pocket and I peek my head out around the corner. I see Phil standing with our groomsmen and bridesmaids: PJ, Chris, Zoe, and Louise. Phil is smiling and all my friends turn their heads to look at me. I grab my mom's hand and the music starts.


"Phil, you are my best friend. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I promise to support our dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives... Okay enough with the sappy love stuff. Phil Lester, we have gone through so much together. From the first Phil Is Not On Fire, to writing two books, having a world tour. From all of the intimate talks we had to getting married. I still remember meeting you that day on Skype, fangirling over Muse. Although if you really think about it, we didn't really talk about Muse that much during that Skype call did we? No. I was already in love with you before I met you, but the minute I started talking to you, I knew for sure that I loved you. For me, I was lonely, before I had no friends till I was eighteen. I hid behind my computer screen. Haha. I didn't have much light in my life. Phil, you are the little ray of sun that burns me and blinds me with it's light. Phil, my little ray of sun, your light got me through the tough times. Phil, my little lion, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I hope you do too." I finally take a deep breath and smile one of my cheeky half smiles directly at Phil. He smiles back at me and pulls out his tiny white notecard from his pocket.

"Today, surrounded by people who love us, and all of our followers, I choose you Dan to be my partner. I am proud to be your husband and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, push you, inspire you, and above all love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live. Alright so I'm done with all of this traditional stuff. Dan, we have been through some pretty huge stuff. Bumps in our relationship, yet I feel like it always made us stronger. We have faced challenges with our private lives, but the only way for us to get closer is for us to fall apart. And that's exactly what happened. Our relationship is as strong as it could be, and we made it stronger together. Dan, how far would I have gotten without you here? I feel like our lives are really starting to piece together when I'm with you. I could have made it on my own, but you were like my stepping stones. So Dan, I love you with all my heart, and I can't wait to see what brings our future, together.

"Dan, do you take me to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Phil takes out the beautiful, golden wedding band and places it on my finger.

The words don't even half to process, after his beautiful vows I'm crying tears of happiness,

"I do.

"And do you Phil, take me to be your lawfully wedded husband as well?" My voice is shaking from the tears as I place the matching wedding band on his hand,

"I do."

I pull Phil into a sweet kiss and as we pull apart we make eye contact and stay leaning on each others foreheads for what seems like forever.

Finally we pull apart as we watch our friends and families giving us a standing ovation, with tears streaming out of every ones eyes.

"THIS WAS THE MOST FUN WE'VE EVER HAD!" Phil and I scream in unison. The crowd erupts in laughter as we watch a lot of the vloggers pull out their cameras. We had told them it was perfectly fine to vlog after the vows had been completed.


Phil's POV

I grab Dan's hand as the first dance begins. This is a YouTuber wedding so it's not like a normal wedding. We have Dodie Clark singing our first dance song, then we have a playlist made by Dan and I. It's basically a huge party, I feel bad for those few family members who will probably think we are crazy... Dodie is singing an acoustic version of "The Internet Is Here." It's surprising well done, who would have thought that our funny TATINOF song could be sung as a wedding dance song, so beautifully and so melodically.

After the first dance, Dan and I are mingling with a lot of our friends, accepting their Congratulations. So many of our friends were able to come we didn't even know where to start. We talk to Zoe and Alfie Deyes, (they got married 2 years ago) we then see Jim and Tanya, Joe and Caspar, Tyler and Troye, Connor Franta, Felix and Marzia, Louise and Darcy, Jack and Finn (and their significant others), Cat, Rosanna Pansinno. Oh I can't even tell you how many people showed up! We probably had about 70 people there! I'm still kinda upset though that my mom didn't show up... My dad is here though, chatting with the rest of my family members (Martyn too!) and chatting with Dan's family members.

It's so cool seeing so many vloggers in one room, and they are all here because two socially awkward boys decided to get married. Huh. Well all that really matters is that I am as happy as I could be, being here right now with Dan, and plus we get lots of food!! (That we got to pick so we made sure there was absolutely no cheese at all!)


A/N: Well that was a fun and emotional chapter to write! I hope you guys enjoyed all the little Easter Eggs hidden in the vows!! ;)

Don't forget to comment you ideas!!


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