Chapter 3 {Edited}

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 For reading and voting on my enitre book :D everyone should stop by her profile and check out her story :D :D

You won't be dissapointed she's only just started it but it is great so far and can only keep getting better :)




Chapter 3

The two weeks seemed to fly by, but now the kids at school all started to talk; spreading rumors about me being pregnant. I ignored them all but that didn’t stop them. School seemed to go so slow today. I couldn’t wait for the day to be over. We all meet at the school canteen to grab some lunch before our last period of the day.

“Don’t worry about all these stupid rumors, hun. We know you’re not pregnant and that’s all you need to worry about,” said Kelly.

“That’s right.  Even if you were, we are all here for you,” said Veronica and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

Finally our last period for today, and thankfully the teacher was away so we had a free period. So I went home with Amy. “What’s been up with you lately? You’ve been acting a little weird the last few weeks,” Amy asked me.

“Not much. Just been stressed with nationals and the grading tonight,” I replied.  We spoke about what we were going to do on the weekend, “I’ll get back to you by Friday. I’ve got a few things to do the next few days, but I’m sure I’ll be free Saturday and Sunday,” I said.

The afternoon went pretty quick and it was time to head to the center. I arrived at the center and soon enough it was my turn. I got up and went through all the self-defense and one step. Then the terminology and finally it was time to spar.  This time the difference compared to nationals was there is no padding here, and I was about to fight my coaches daughter who was pretty good. She’s a fourth Dan black belt, and in training she always kicks my ass; so I was prepared for it this time as well.

I knew just what she was going to do first, but I wasn’t quick enough to get out of the way and she kicked me straight in the stomach and I dropped to the ground. I couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t put my baby in danger.

“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t keep going I have to stop,” I said to him. He walked over and asked if I was alright and I started to cry. He walked me outside and his wife Marie followed us.

“What’s going on Tina, this isn’t like you?” he asked

“I’...m mm pregnant,” I replied. His wife wrapped me in a tight hug.

 “Do your parents know,” Marie asked.  I shook my head no and continued to cry. “How far along are you sweetie?” she asked.

 “I don’t know. I’ve been too scared to see a doctor and that dad would find out. I can’t see a doctor, I don’t want my parents to hate me,” I told her.

Marie drove me home and she said she’d take me to see a doctor tomorrow. I agreed to go with her, but I wouldn’t go to my dad’s work.

“It’s okay sweetie, I won’t take you there. We’ll go to the next hospital over, I promise,” Marie said. I got out of the car, grabbed my bags and went inside. I showered and went straight to bed.

I woke up at eight, got dressed and waited in the lounge room for Marie to show up. Garry should be here any minute now. I called him last night before I got home and told him I was going to see a doctor, so he wanted to come.

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