chapter 1 {Edited}

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Dedicated to Bluethunder213 for giving me the new name thank you xxx

Chapter 1

Where do I start? I might as well tell you a little about myself, and I'm fourteen my name is Tina. I'm in year nine of high school, I have a wonderful sweet and caring boyfriend Garry, and we have been together for eight months now. I have a really close group of good friends who I see every day before and after school. But this year is not going to go the way I planned. My mum is a lawyer and my dad a doctor. Well that's enough about me for now, my friends are coming over any minute now and I'm not ready to leave to go shopping yet.

About fifteen minutes later three of my closest friends showed up, it was nearly Valentine's Day so we all decided to go buy our boyfriends a present. Kelly, Amy, Veronica and I walked down to the bus stop. We were all trying to figure out what a good present would be seeing as though the boys didn't want teddy's or flowers, so it was a little hard to decide. When the bus finally pulled up we all paid our fares and found a seat towards the back.

"I think I might buy Garry a bracelet and have it engraved happy V-day I love you xxx," I said to the girls.

"That's sounds like a great idea," replied Veronica.

'I think that's what I'll get,' I thought to myself. We got to the mall and went straight towards the jewelers. I found the one I wanted and Amy got Tim a silver ring with a little stone in the right hand corner. "That's really nice," I said to Amy. Kelly and Veronica wanted to head to a surf shop. Kelly got Jayden a nice billabong wallet and a DC hat. Veronica got Kevin a wallet and a t-shirt.

We had all finished our shopping within two hours and decided to grab lunch. The girls got a chicken salad and I got a seafood salad and a bottle of water. We sat around eating and asking each other if the boys will like our presents, and we all thought they'd like them. I took my fourth bite of my lunch I felt a little sick, so I pushed it to the side and didn't eat the rest because just the smell was making me feel sick.

The girls finished up lunch and we all went back to my house. We made popcorn and watched a few movies. My phone went off, and I got a text message from Garry. It said, 'Hey babe, what are you up to? Is it okay If I come around? The boys have all gone shopping, but I've already done mine so I don't really want to go back.'

I told the girls Garry way going to come over and they all said they were leaving after the movie anyway so they didn't mind if he came over. 'Hey baby, yeah it's all good. Come over when you're ready, the girls are going home soon,' I replied back to him.

Thirty minutes later Garry showed up, the girls were packing up their stuff and gathering their bags to go home. "Bye girls, I'll see you all at school tomorrow. Mums dropping me off at about eight," I said to all three of them. They all said bye, and they'll meet me at the gate at eight a.m. sharp.

"I missed you today," Garry said as he came and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss. I'd never get used to his kisses they were amazing each and every time.

We went upstairs and just laid in bed cuddling and watching a movie. It was a great way to spend the rest of the afternoon. All of a sudden I started to feel sick again, but this time it felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom not bothering to close the door. I was kneeling in front of the toilet as Garry walked in to see if I was okay.

"Sweetie, are you alright? What's wrong are you feeling sick?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm like this for the sake of it. What do you think? Of course I feel sick," I replied to him. He pulled my hair back and told me I was going to be okay. He wouldn't listen to me when I kept telling him to get out; he was a stubborn boyfriend that was for sure.

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