Access Denied, Drama Granted

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I know that you were probably expecting that to be the moment when I confessed my love to him, and he would either:

A: Shoot me down then and there. But in a nice way of course because it's Cody.

B: Accept my love, even if doesn't return it.

C: We make out and have cheeky butt-sex.

Well, none of the above happened because two weeks later and I still haven't told him how I feel. Maybe it's because I'm hoping that if I repress my feelings enough, eventually they'll die out. Or maybe it's because I'm a coward and am afraid of failure. Which is true. Noah doesn't fail, not on a test, not in an argument. Never.

Even if I did confess my admiration to Cody, which I don't plan on, I wouldn't expect him to like me back. I wouldn't be mad, I'm not even sure I'd be ridiculously upset if he didn't feel the same. Mostly because I know he doesn't, the kid's so hung up on the glorious Gwen.

Anyway, he and I spend a good amount of time with each other. Every week we get together with Tyler and Justin to watch Total Drama together. The one that aired this week was the one Katie got kicked out in, but by now Courtney and Sadie have joined us at the Playa. And not gonna lie, Courtney's gone a bit loco. I mean she carries a damn curtain rod around with her!

This whole place is just a train wreck.


Cody was curled up on the couch, his tired eyes drooped lazily, fixed on the TV that was quietly playing Friends. He had a soft blanket wrapped around him and was cradling a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. I was seated on the other end of the couch, my legs stretched out so my feet were touching Cody's leg. I had the comforter from my bed draped over my body.

"Cody, what time is it?"

He jumped a little as if waking up from a trance.

"Oh, uhhh," he looked at his watch, "11:23"

I sat up and smoothed out my ruffled hair. 

"Wanna go back to your room now, get some sleep?" I groaned, scratching my shoulder. He shook his head.

"It's not even that late"

He lies. He's yawning.

"Dude you're exhausted. And so am I, so I'm going to bed"

I switched off the TV and stood up, picking the comforter from the couch. I went into the bedroom, shutting the door, and threw the blanket lazily onto the bed. I took off my pants and shirt and crawled between the sheets. I waited for the sound of him leaving the room, but I fell asleep within a minute, so I never confirmed that he actually left.

And of course, he didn't. When I got up to go to the bathroom, probably around 6:30 in the morning, there he was, his mouth open a little so I could hear his soft breathing. His blanket had fallen and was only covering one of his legs. 

I sighed and covered him up, doing my best not to disturb him. It took so much out of me not to kiss his squishy, tired cheek. 

But I didn't, so I grabbed my key, and went down the hall into the bathroom to pee. Luckily for me, I could hear who I'm pretty sure was Ezekiel tending to some "personal" business in the shower. Awesome.

When I got back to the room, Cody was still asleep, but he had rolled over so his blanket was now laying completely on the floor. I just rolled my eyes and left him there. I threw on my day clothes and walked down to the kitchen to grab a smoothie. My best friend Eva was down there pounding the life out of what used to be a fruit because 'it wouldn't juice'.

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