"Platonic" Play Date

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Cody cracked open a third bottle of mountain dew.

"Isn't Justin supposed to be with us?"

I shook my head, crushing up my empty soda can and tossing it behind the couch.

"I invited his but he said today is his mud wrap day so he can't" I said, rolling my eyes at the dude's lack of masculinity. Okay okay, maybe I'm not one to speak, but at least I admit to being gay.

Total Drama ended about an hour ago, and Cody and I have been in my room watching Pawn Stars since. We were laying with our backs on opposite sides of the couch, and our legs tangled together in the center. It was way too hot for a blanket, so we both lay in T-shirts and shorts.

After Cody threw down his empty soda bottle and reached for his fourth, I stopped him.

"Woah little dude, think you can handle that much?"

He laughed and nodded his head, and grabbed the green can, popping it open, and pouring it down his throat.

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the TV program.

"If Owen were on this show, he'd fit right in" I pointed out bluntly. Frankly it wasn't that funny, but it was funny enough to make Cody laugh so hard that Mountain Dew bubbles came out his nose.

"Okay, that's enough Dew for you" I said, reaching over to take the bottle out of his hand. I poured what was left in my mouth and threw the empty container on the trashed floor. He stuck his lip out at me in a fake pout, but I just smirked.

"You'll be fine kid"

He rolled his eyes at me, laughing. Then he sat up and swung his legs onto the floor.

"Noah, we should do something"

"No, we aren't going to go get more Mountain Dew"

Cody turned his body towards me, my eyes fixed to the television to prevent myself from staring at him.

"No, I mean like an adventure!"

I reached for the remote and clicked off the TV.

"There's not really much we can do here"

"We can climb to the roof of the Playa and watch the sunset" he shrugged, picking up the empty bottles and can off the floor, throwing them towards the garbage bin, allegedly missing most shots and having the containers bounce across the room.

"That's one of the gayest things I've ever heard" I said cooly, stretching out my back.

"Then you haven't looked in the mirror, er, I mean, heard yourself.... damn, I tried"

I couldn't hold back my laughter on that one.

"Nice try buddy. Sunset roofing it is"

He grinned and dumped his collection of soda bottles into the trash can.

"I wonder who got kicked off tonight" Cody commented, sitting back down on the couch.

"Judging by the amounts of raging fits coming from Courtney, my bet's on Harold"

Cody shrugged, smiling slightly. When he wasn't trying to put on an act so people thought he was cool, he's actually a really genuine, attractive guy. Of course it saddens me slightly that he doesn't put on an act for me, but I'd rather him be comfortable with me and myself be friend zoned, than to hope for him to keep putting on a mask of fake confidence.

It tears him apart, and I know it. I've heard him sobbing at night through his bedroom door. I can see the hurt in his eyes. The 'Codemiester' is only a character, and the real Cody is just an actor. A terrible one, but an actor all the same.

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