Escape Party

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I loathe the feeling of being infatuated. It's the equivalent of backing out of a duel and offering to solve the conflict with a hug. It's useless, cowardly, and will get you stabbed.

I am Noah Sterecra, however, and have an IQ higher than that of anyone in my school, including the teachers, but I am still a teenager. And that, by default, makes me dumb and naive. I, like every one of my peers, think with my heart as opposed to my brain. More realistically, us teens think with our genitals, but I have enough of an ego not to admit to that.

I am fully aware that everything involving Cody was a mistake I had swore myself not to make. But now that it's over, I've come to the decision that it would be a waste of my prodigious brain to sulk over the fallout.

However, it's a lot harder to get over him instantaneously with him still being my roommate. I find myself forgetting that I'm angry with him at times, and to control myself, I had to do exactly what I was hoping I wouldn't have to do.

Become closer with the other contestants.

There aren't very many tolerable options. There's Ezekiel. I hardly think he'll be my new friend. Eva and Bridgette? Nope.

Trent and Tyler are pretty much the only tolerable options. And after my conversation with Nutball, I don't really feel resentment towards him anymore.

So I made the first move, in a platonic way of course.

Trent was sitting in the lobby plucking chords on his guitar. The TV across from him was playing a Brazilian soccer game on mute. He was the only one in the lobby at that moment, so there really wasn't a better time.

I took a deep breath.

Just keep the sarcasm under control.

"Hey Trent, whatcha playin?"

He looked up from his instrument. His right hand had stopped strumming, but his other hand was still making the fingerings for the chord. Interesting.

"I'm trying to get the chords to Love Potion No. 9" he replied, giving that classic, sexy smirk.

Love Potion No. 9? Go figure.

"Well, that's cool" I said, trying to sound sincere. He nodded in response. He put his guitar down next to the chair he was sat in.

"So I saw you and Cody moved back in together. Everything okay now?"

When Trent says things like this - when he acts so mature, he's extremely hot. It makes it easy to shake the whole insane thing away.

"Um, it's complicated"

He nodded again. How can he act so cool after going all psycho on Gwen. On international television.

"Trent, dude, would it be okay if I spent a few nights with you and Tyler?"

"So I guess there's still tension between you and the Code-miester?"

I shrugged, mostly because I didn't want him to ask questions.

"Yeah it's chill. It'll be a good time"

I smiled slightly.

"Thanks, I'll go get my crap"


Cody was in the room watching the Food Network. Without saying a word, I started collecting all my books, which were lying around in the places I had left them over the last few weeks. Cody must've been paying attention to what I was doing.

"Are you moving out?"

He sounded slightly sad.

"Temporarily. I need some time away from you Cody"

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