Beachhouse Burnout

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I woke up the next day with a tired groan. Cody was still rolled over on his side completely asleep. I did my best not to disturb him when I got up, but me getting off the bed made him roll over, allegedly disturbing him. We met eye to tired eye, myself in my pajamas groggily sitting up, and him rolled over, not quite fully awake yet.

"God, sorry dude, didn't mean to wake you"

I did my best not to stare at him, but it was hard. His hair in the mornings is always very fluffy and childish, and his eyes are droopy and innocent. As much as I compare him to a child, I realize that's not why I admire him. I admire him because he is gentle, sympathetic, tolerant, and just genuinely beautiful. 

Genuine beauty is often taken for granted. People mistake beauty as people like Miss Bubble Boob and Justin who might be more feminine than me. And I'm gay as hell!

But if I had to choose between Cody and Justin, Cody would be the obvious answer because Mr. Male Model can't be deeper than a cereal bowl. Which is honestly quite the turn off.

Speaking of turn off, I had to haul ass to the showers before Cody managed to catch an eye full of my unfortunate boner. I mean, it's his fault really, but not like I'd tell him that. That would be a rather graceless way to tell him how I feel. Just imagine it.

"Noah you have a boner"

"Thanks for sharing Cody, but it's your fault it's there"

"Ex-squeeze me?"

"I mean, uh, I like you Cody"


Yeah, that'd be less than ideal.

By this time Cody had fully waken and sat up in my bed. I grabbed a key off the table in the front and walked down the the showers, erasing most signs of my being aroused. When I got back, Cody was gone, so he must've went back to his room leaving me to clean up his mess. Real kind of him. 

After I managed to straighten my room up to my personal liking, I went down for a breakfast smoothie, but upon entering the juice bar, the wafting scent of pancakes filled my nose holes. And to my surprise, there was some sort of breakfast party out on the deck. 

These people are total nuts, it's like 8 in the morning. But sure enough, there was music coming from the sound-system by the pool, and Tyler and Justin were dancing it up, one better than the other (poor Tyler kept falling into the pool).

"Noah, welcome to the Breakfast of Losers" Harold said with his hideous face expressing no emotion.

"Do you have to turn everything already uncool into something totally lame?" I spat, walking past him. 

Luckily for Harold, Courtney hasn't risen from her chamber of insanity yet, so he can be exposed to daylight without being hunted down. Although it's hard to take sympathy on him when he's constantly flapping his annoying-ass lips and digging himself a deeper hole with everyone he meets.

Anyway, the morning wasn't totally boring because Beth had been grilling pancakes all morning, so I was greeted by a stack of the only edible food I've had since I got here. Which I guess is a pretty good deal with the addition of shirtless guys dancing by the pool and the fact that I spend the whole night with Cody. I guess I really don't have room to be bitter this morning.

Once Cody made his way to the deck, he was immediately shoving pancakes in his mouth.

"Beth these are so good!" He squealed, syrup dripping off his chin. Owen was finishing of his 45th pancakes at that same moment.

"I agree!" He shouted with a mouth full, spraying pancakes bits onto Cody.

"And there goes my appetite" he said, setting his plastic fork down. As nice as this place is, Chris is still too cheap to get us real cutlery. But can I say I'm shocked? Not at all.

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