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"Where are we going?" laughed a blindfolded Cody. I had my hands on his shoulders to guide him through the cheaply carpeted hallways. I took a few detours, just to confuse him, so he wouldn't be able to guess where we were going. 

"Right, my intention was to blindfold you, and then tell you what's going on"

He chuckled.

"Right, sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut"

I led him around the pool deck and into the infirmary, and then back to the dorm hall, stopping right outside my room.

I tried to unlock it as quietly as possible, just for to milk the surprise aspect as long as possible. I led him into the room and sat him down on a wooden chair sitting in the middle of the room. In front of it was a table and a chair on the other side.

"You can take the blindfold off now"

I sat down in the chair across from him, and watched as his blue eyes beheld the empty, wooden table in front of him.

"Are we in your room?" He asked, looking around. I nodded.

"Hold on, let me get the actual date part"

I stood up and walked into the bedroom to grab a little basket that had tissue paper covering it's contents.

I brought it back out and set the basket on the table. Cody's eyes lit with curiosity.

"Open it" I requested, taking my seat again. He pulled out the tissue paper to reveal several boxes of candy.

"Candy!" he gasped, pulling the boxes out on the table.

"Yep. We're going to have a movie/candy date"

"Sweet! Then what's with the table?" he asked, still focused on the sweets.

"Mostly just to confuse you" I replied smirking.

I stood up and dragged my chair into the hall where it'd be out of the way. Once I had gotten Cody to get up and sit on the couch, I threw the other chair and table into the hall. If everything's going according to plan, Trent and Tyler will come take them back downstairs.

I sat on the couch next to Cody, comfortably not still close. Not like he was paying attention to exactly how close I sat next to him, even if he's wasn't making saucer eyes at his already open box of candy.

I reached across to the table to grab the remote and flicked on the TV. I had planned the day perfectly so that we'd be able to watch the movie from the beginning. I don't know if he'd even seen Empire Records, but it was the only movie worth watching today, so that was that.

To be fair, we didn't spend much time actually watching the movie. And before you ask, no it was not because we were making out. We were just conversing and eating abundances of slightly stale candies.

During that time, we talked a lot about ourselves and our lives (or lack thereof) outside Total Drama Island.

I learned that he is an only child, and both his parents are attorneys at a high-end law firm. His parents don't make a lot of time for the little guy, so he's often home alone. He spends most his time practicing the piano or the keyboard and doesn't hang out with friends outside of school. His only two friends are both major dorks and are better friends with each other than with him.

When he asked about me, I avoided getting too deep into the story of my pretentious life, but I did tell him the shallow stuff.

"Woah, so if your parents are from India does that mean you speak Indian?"

I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"You mean Hindi, and only a little"

Cody found it more impressive than it actually was, even though it isn't really something worth celebrating.

Learning To Love You (Noah X Cody)Where stories live. Discover now