Mindless Playa

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When Cody came out of the bathroom, he was wearing the same shorts as before and had a towel draped around his shoulders like a cape. He walked like you'd expect someone in so much pain to walk, the poor guy. When he reached the bed, he flopped down on his back, letting out a slight grunt upon impact. I raised an eyebrow at him to imply the obvious question.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I'll need new bandages" he groaned, adjusting himself so he could lay comfortably in bed. I stood up and straightened out my sweater vest.

"I'll go find a nurse. Don't hurt yourself" I said, picking up my book from the end of the bed.

"Thanks Noah" Cody whimpered, already starting to fall asleep. I rolled my eyes and set out to find the nurse who was usually on lifeguard duty for the idiots who often populated the pool.

Once I was assured Cody would be taken care of, I found a quiet place on the pool deck to lay down and nap. It was quite peaceful until I was brutally woken by my stupid self rolling into the pool mid sleep.

I spat water out of my mouth, leaving behind the taste of chlorine. I grumbled and sat myself on the edge of the pool and watched Tyler, Eva, Justin, and Katie toss around a beach ball. Some more agressivly than others... *cough* Eva *cough*.

As entertaining as it was to watch Tyler near drown himself every six minutes, I wound up stopping to get a mango smoothie out of the fridge, and made my way back to my room.

I turned on the TV to find Total Drama Island being played. After about thirty seconds, I was able to piece together that it was playing the episode with our favorite challenge: The Awake-a-thon.

Needless to say, I didn't get much screen time. Most of the episode had been focused around Gwen and Trent's little hookup. But of course, the one time the camera actually focused on my idiot face was when I went ham on Cody's ear.

I had actually forgotten about that until now, and rewatching gave me a different feeling than it did when it happened. I remember it being annoying and embarrassing, but seeing it happen from third person view gave me a tingling feeling in my face, making my cheeks flush. The second I realized what was happening, I hit myself in the head with the nearest book.

No. No no no no no. Remember what you said before the show started. No romance, no distractions.

Distractions from what? The game that I got eliminated from weeks ago? The education I'm getting here at this cheapo resort? There's nothing here that should stop me from admitting my own feelings to myself.

No one said I have to tell Cody I like him, if that's even the case. Even if I do, after the competition is over I'll never see him again anyway. What have I got to lose?

Your sanity? Common sense? Composure?

My inner dialogue was getting on my nerves. I hit myself in the face again for good measure, clicked off the TV, and stood up. I stretched out my cramped body and made my way to the infirmary to check on Cody.

When I got there, he was watching The Lion King on one of those rolling TV stands that were often found in classrooms. His hair was sticking up in weird places, and he had a loose T-shirt covering up his fresh bandages. When he saw me come in, his face lit like a fire.

"Noah! Thank goodness, I was so lonely up here by myself" he said with a stiff smile. I smirked and sat in the chair beside him, which hasn't moved at all.

"Well this place is so dull, I look forward to the time I spend with the sick kid in the hospital" I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm. Cody chuckled.

"The nurse says I'll be out of here by next week, once the stitches start healing up more" he beamed. I chuckled.

"I'd rather be locked safely in here than be in Eva's rage zone"

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