Horror of Heart

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Unfortunately for me, the rest of the week didn't go as solidly as the previous night had. As soon as I realized what I had done, I banged my overly large head against a book so many times, I had a nice red bruise on my forehead.

This is what you get for breaking your own rules.

"I'm human," I whispered to myself "I have the right to love"

At what cost? Losing your best friend, reputation, and your mind?

"Shut up!" I whispered again, louder than intended.

With the internal conflict and the literal arguing, I was beginning to feel like Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

"We is in love precious, there's no going back for us now"


I pranced down the stairs to find  the usual crew seated at the juice bar.

"What's up Noah?" Cody yelled at me, a grin spread across his face.

"Practicing for my next football game, how about you?" I sneered, taking a seat at the bar between Cody and Courtney. He laughed and swiveled in his seat to face me.

"I just heard Izzy got eliminated tonight" he said, taking a sip of the classically too-sweet lemonade.

"Lord have mercy on us" I muttered

"No kidding," Courtney butted in, "she's top notch insane"

"And you're one to speak," I spat backwards at her, "you're the one chasing Harold around with a pineapple on a stick"

I wasn't facing her, but I could practically hear her eyes narrowing at me. Lucky for me, and literally everyone else in the area, she didn't speak.

At about 7 that night, Izzy arrived at the Playa and had a great time terrorizing the shit out of poor Harold. Honestly, I'm shocked the dude hadn't committed suicide or something with the whole Courtney thing.

The pool deck area was now officially major chaos, so I booked it up to the safety of my room, and to no surprise, Cody followed me up.

"What's up short stuff?" I greeted when he closed the door behind him.

"I figured I'd escape before I became Izzy food" he chuckled, taking a seat on the couch.

"So you came to my room?"

I popped my hip out in a sassy manner that couldn't have looked anything but absolutely homosexual.

"I guess so" he grinned.

I took a seat next to him and pulled out Catcher In The Rye.

"Whatcha reading?"

Cody leaned across my lap to look at my book, but I didn't move at all, so he squirmed his way until he was completely sitting on my lap.

"This seat's taken" I muttered, not looking from the book, although it was a bit more difficult with the little dude all u in my business. Oh, how easy it would be to just wrap my arms around his skinny torso and pull him close to me. 

To be fair, it would be just as easy to wring his neck and throw him out the window into the pool, so I didn't act on any impulses.

"Noah can we go do something?" he groaned, obviously dissatisfied with the lack of attention I was giving him.

"We are doing something" I snarked, staring at the book, but not exactly reading it.

"I mean something fun!" he whined.

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