Fights, Camera, Action!

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You know you're screwed when you have to submit to last resort and pair yourself with the two most difficult contestants on the show. Okay, working with Courtney might be worse, but apparently Duncan's​ into that so who am I to judge?

Regardless, Izzy had finally roped me in to being on a team with herself and Eva. Only after I noticed Cody had previously formed an alliance with DJ, Owen, and Tyler. Sure, I'm jealous, but given that our goal is for now a million dollars, perhaps having no distractions of romance is for the better.


Izzy had a plan.

"Okay, okay, so we're going to break into Chris's recording room, find out where he hid the mil, and then use this taser to shoot anyone who tries taking the money from us"

She held up a taser gun. I jumped back a bit, and Eva slapped it out of her hand.

"No bitch. We're doing this with pure fists"

Eva was getting worked up.

"Woah woah," I cut in "Pure fists or not, you're both pure crazy"

This was not helping Eva calm down. In fact, her knuckles were inches away from my nose. Izzy was just cackling from behind her. It reminded me of when I was five and my dad had taken me to see Macbeth in the park across the street. Yep, Izzy laughs like a Shakespearean witch. Outta put that on her resume.

Okay, we eventually settled on having no strategy and just running at it. Lack of strategy has to be my pet peeve, but I didn't really get a voice in the vote. Maybe they're racist against Indians, maybe my opinion was unvoiced because my face was in Eva's armpit. The world may never know.

"So no taser?" Izzy pleaded. I shook my head, and Eva shook her fist.

So we hid in silence, waiting for the right time to grab the million and get the hell of this godforsaken island.


"I expected more out of you Eva"

I didn't have to look at her to see her face burning with anger.

"I said I'm sorry. Like you weren't distracted by Justin's hotness too gay boy" she growled.

"I...uh" I stuttered, not having a good come back to 'gay boy' due to it's accuracy.

Izzy was ready for a real battle now. Her teeth were dripping in disgusting, foamy saliva.

"Okay okay, I've come to the conclusion that I'm willing to commit murder for the money" Izzy muttered darkly.

"Well if you do, the million dollars should pay for your release" I snarked. She ignored my sarcasm and growled at Katie and Sadie who were walking by. The girls screamed at the pitch of a dog whistle and ran as far as their unathletic bodies could take them.

Over the childish screaming, there were sounds of arguing from what seemed to be the dock of shame. Eva and I exchanged a glance and started sprinting towards the dock, with Izzy charging behind us yelling some sort of obnoxious battle cry.

By the time we reached the cabins, pretty much every camper was chasing whoever had the money. And us being the animalistic idiots we are, couldn't help but join the stampede.

Izzy had jumped on someone's head (maybe Tyler's?) to get ahead in the crowd, leaving Eva and I in the back.


So after that mad house, it turns out no one won the god forsaken money after all. And just as we were packing up to finally go home, I remembered something.

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