This Kitten Bites

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Chapter One- This Kitten Bites

Have you ever noticed that some days seem much longer than others? I have and today just happens to be one of them.

As if sitting in Biology next to the outcast kid that won't even look at you let alone talk to you wasn't bad enough, the teacher was talking about things we'd never seen before and diagrams we'd never understand.

I began to day dream about what it would be like if there were robots that swept teachers under the mat and locked them away in cupboards for their own good. Then everyone would be let out freely and school would shut. I was enjoying my vision until I was snapped back into reality by my teacher's annoying lisp.

'Danielle? Danielle? Mis-th Beau?!!' He ended up shouting to get my attention. He pointed his long ruler at the board.

'Uhh, yeah?' I replied nervously, forgetting what he was on about.

'What would point C be on this-thh diagram?' He asked with a smug smile plastered all over his chubby red face. I glanced over at the board and it all came flowing back to me.

'Point C would be known as the process of extraction sir,' I said sweetly. He looked surprised and adjusted his glasses so he could see the board a little more clearly.

'Correct Mis-thh Beau. Anyway, the proces-thh of extraction is followed by......' He started to witter on again. I lazily went back to day dreaming about the robots, resting my elbows onto the table and leaning my chin against my palm. If those robots ever do come, I'm making sure they take ol' chubby cheeks over there first.

We could taunt him with bargain buckets of KFC and luxury big mac meals from Mcdonalds. I could see this plan coming together nicely, all we need are the robots. Damn 21st century technology.

I scanned the room and my eyes laid on one person in the back who was looking back at me. Max Bowman. He was a self-confessed player, rich kid, star football player and a jackass.

He once hooked up with three girls in the same night, and when he got home, he put four girls on webcam at once and broke up with them at the same time. Talk about a jerk.

And the worst thing is that I've had to know and put up with this pain in the ass for most of my life. Both our mums are best friends and him and my twin brother Drew are on the football team together. They're not best buds or anything but they're in a few classes together and talk occasionally. But ever since we met he's been rude, cocky and egotistic.

When I was seven, he pulled my hair and said that Drew did it. When I was twelve, he called me fat. At age fourteen, he'd make fun of my braces. And now he just infuriates me with his pathetic attempts of flirting and general cocky banter. His jokes stopped being funny a very very long time ago. The only one who's still laughing is him.

I looked away from him and tried to look as interested as I could to what was on the board. I could feel him staring at me. He knew it pissed me off big time and it was working.

I whipped my head around to face him and glared at him intently and saw some girl named Willa next to him trying to grab his attention by batting her eyelashes at him. You could tell from where I was sitting that she had put on at least two sets of false eyelashes and badly too.

Max paid no attention to Willa and kept his gaze on me, not blinking, not moving at all. That was all interrupted by the sound of the bell, signalling the end of school for today, seven cruel hours of ongoing lessons. At least tomorrow was Thursday, which is one more day toward Friday and after Friday is a much needed weekend.

I hurried out of the classroom to get to my locker before the corridor got overcrowded with students. I made it towards my locker, entered the pin and opened the metal door to reveal five years of memories. I stared at the pictures hanging on the inside door of it and of the junk in the back of the steel box.

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