Nasty Fall

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Chapter Four - Nasty Fall

"I didn't expect mr egotistical player up here either to be honest, but I guess that today's just full of surprises," I replied to him crossing my arms over my chest.

He walked over towards me and sat down on the bench, casualy leaning back like he owned the place.

"I guess so. What are you doing up here anyway?" he asked now facing towards me.

"Eh, just to clear my head and also that Drew and Hannah wanted some alone time in the house so that was my cue to leave," I explained. I heard him chuckle a little beside me and rolled my eyes at his choice of response.

"So what are you doing up here, you heard my explanation. What's yours?" I added.

I now whipped my head around towards him. I was expecting to hear some sarcastic of humor filled remark like 'just a break until I go meet my bitches' or 'meeting someone up here so we can get off'.

"I needed to clear my head and think about some stuff. I come here alot to do it. But I see by your outfit that you don't just come here to cure a headache?" he made the end sound like more of a question than a statement.

"You got me. I run early in the morning, go home and shower and then go to school. Almost every morning without fail," I admitted.

Thinking about it, I don't always need to run in the morning but it helps me think about stuff and it's one of the only times during the day that I get to be by myself.

"The runner type. I never saw you as more than a football girl... Kitten," he answered, adding the frequently used nickname 'kitten' to the end of his sentence.

"I'm not in the mood for your little nicknames and your sarcastic remarks that you'll probably make in a minute," I retorted back to him.

I could see him smirk out of the corner of my eye and I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Hey, no remarks or sarcasm or humor. Just talking, on a bench, on a hill," he tried to make funny.

I laughed a little I have to admit but then stopped and smiled. That reminded me actually, I had to ask him about earlier with Katie.

The was until I looked at his shoulder to see something showing out a little through his shirt and jacket. It looked like a black and white tattoo.

"What's that," I poked his shoulder.

"Nothing," he brushed off my hand, but I wanted to know what it is.

"That's not nothing," I pulled his jacket sleeve down to reveal his tattoo peering out of his vest arm.

It was a cross with a couple of stars a the top and bottom, a swallow at the top coming into the cross and a rose with the vines tangling round the cross at the bottom. It looked beautiful, and so well crafted as well.

"Just a tattoo," he pulled his sleeve back up, covering it it up and zipping his jacket up.

"Okay," I added.

"Anyway, I have to go. But I'll catch ya soon," he said smiling and getting up to walk off.

But then I remembered about the Katie thing and it was either now or never.

"Max!" I said as I caught his wrist as he was getting up.

He turned back round to face me and slowly sat back down on the bench. I let go of him and scooted a little closer towards him.

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