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Chapter Sixteen - Carnival

One Week Later...

It was the Saturday of the carnival and I had finished setting up the kissing booth with the girls.

Not much had happened in the last week or so to be honest. Hannah had moved in full time now, we converted the study into an extra bedroom. Which was much to Drew's dismay, but dad wouldn't allow it, he gave a big speech on how he wouldn't want one of his kids being a teenage parent.

Hannah's mum had officially chosen her drunkard boyfriend over her. And, oh! It's now her drunkard fiancé, not boyfriend. They told Hannah that they were getting married and she hit the roof, I'd never seen her so angry before at anything. But it's only because she loves her mum, even though she calls her Ellen nowadays instead of mum.

And Drew, is the same as always. Oblivious to all of his surroundings.

I've been talking Mason almost everyday in the past week too. And if not everyday then every two days. But it feels like we've been best friends since forever ago and we can talk about everything. I'd dragged him along to see Magic Mike with me as well during the week.

And it was hilarious. I forgot to pay for my ticket and snacks so I just walked on through, we snuck into see another film after we'd watched Magic Mike, I threw a penny upwards and it broke the light up above me. And we almost got banned from the cinema for making too much noise.

But through most of the film I concentrated on the fact that they were all half naked for half of the film, which Mason picked up on. And he started acting like a girl who was obsessed with Alex Pettyfer, it was pretty funny when every time he popped up on the screen half naked. Mason would shout out 'that's my guy!!'.

Even though we both know that Alex Pettyfer is really mine.

I wasn't I to him or anything, but we had a sort of brotherly sisterly relationship where he acts all camp and then hooks up with girls. And I just act my goofy, awkward and weird self around him and he accepts it. Plus, we've overlooked the fact that he asked me out and every time it comes up, we just laugh it off and go back to what we were doing.

I'd been avoiding talking to either Zack or Max, and it seemed to be working so far. I think after I hurt Zack's little friend the other day in the hallway, he's been trying to talk to me and he said and I quote, 'You don't know what you're doing, let's get you some help and we can go back to normal..'

Pffftt! After what's he's done to me, he'd be so lucky to even get a second glance from me.

And Max, well. He's been trying out his new hobby of dragging people into the janitors closet more often. But his only victim, just so happens to be me. I do worry that he has no other friends to bother instead of me.

I heard that they're both gonna be at this carnival and I'm dreading to see the sight of any of them. And considering that I was running the kissing booth, today's not gonna be an easy ride.

We had it all planned out, there was a big table with pink and red cloth covering over it. Four tall poles were around it and shades of purple, pink and red drapes were hanging over them so it was a very secluded area.

A big sign hung in front of the table with the words 'KISSING BOOTH!' written on it with sharpie. The letters making up the price scrawled down in the bottom corner, Haliee and I were sprinkling confetti all over the place to make it seem more attractive and welcoming to guys.

Hannah was placing the helium balloons at the sides of the stall with the ribbon curled to perfection drooping down from them to the floor where the sparkly weights lay.

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