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Chapter Seventeen - Positive

Three Weeks Later..

It was a Saturday, and instead of outside with my friends on the field. I was cooped up inside, tucked in beneath my bed covers, ill.

I'd been back on the pitch in my centre forward spot and have won the last couple of matches after Katie made us loose the three matches when she was in my spot.

But she kept her word and is after Max like normal. Even though shes dating, Zack Blakely. Yep, about a week after the carnival it got out around the school that Zack had been playing around with Willa Hastings for a bit. And then two weeks ago, Katie and Zack started dating.

To be honest, I don't give a damn. But she Katie keeps straying away from Zack and tries to get with Max every time that Zack isn't around. And that really bugs me. I don't care about Max in that way but I just hate on cheaters and players so much it frustrates me.

I've been off school for a lot recently as well which doesn't help anything. I can have loads of time off in my three months study leave, but nope. My body seems to think it's a great idea to shut down during exams. Great.

I'd also managed to avoid Max for the best part of two weeks. He tried to convince me that I felt this magical connection between the two of us and that it's not gonna go away or something like that. I do admit it though, I did feel something for him. It was the littlest of sparks but I still felt it.

And he was right, it's not gonna go away anytime soon. But I haven't seen him much in the past couple of days because of my stupid illness.

It's been painful to put it nicely. There's been loads 'wrong with me' but I've had awful craps in my stomach and back, I'm needing to pee every waking second, and the headaches are horrendous.

Even though I've been back on the pitch recently, I've still missed a load of time off of school and it's starting to affect my grades really badly. I got my report sent home last week because I was too sick to collect it from school. So far it's not been that bad but they're saying that if it continues to be like this then my average will drop, and I'll go from being a A* student to being a C+ one instead.

This has got to be the longest cold ever known to man, I reckon that it's set some records in it's time.

And quick update on Hannah's life, her mum and soon-to-be step-dad got taken into hospital last week for alcohol poisoning. And they had damage to their liver. Also, doctors found cocaine and meth in their systems as well. Hannah hit the roof and stayed in the hospital with her mum until she got better.

But of course, being Ellen, she left the hospital with her fiancé instead of with Hannah. The worst thing is that Ellen left without saying goodbye to Hannah, she left whilst Hannah was sleeping in the chair next to her in the hospital. All she left was a note that said

'Love you, bye sweetie xx'

On the bedside table, Hannah was in tears for the next three days until she told herself that Ellen wasn't worth it and came out of that phase that she had.

But unlike her mothers relationship, Hannah relationship with Drew is going as strong as ever. They celebrated their two year anniversary just last week.

I was currently lying in bed but now propped up against the bedstead, looking my worst with a headache and bags under my eyes. And this was all while Mason was sat on my bed, trying to make me laugh by pulling funny faces. They were pretty amusing.

"Stop it Mase," I groaned using his nickname.

He continued to stick his tongue out at me and roll his eyes. In a normal situation I would usually laugh at his ridiculousness but not today, or this week.

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