After Shock- chapter 7

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I felt my heart beat slowly calm down as the woman told me what he had purchased. My heart blew into tiny little pieces. Why? Why did he have to do this? I got to where my friend was standing handed her the clothes and walked out. I sat down on the bench outside the shop and sulked. Ugh, I HATE HIM!

A couple minutes later Hunter walked out of the store with the bag and sat down next to me.

"What's up sugar bug?" Hunter asked.

"Niall, he is ugh!" I said placing my face in my hands. I began to cry.

"Why is Niall UGH!" She said copying my actions.

"He had a picture framed and, the photo said, and I quote 'M is my favorite letter and the first letter of my favorite girls' name, you!' Ugh, why are boys so UGH!" I said standing up.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, we can go to the bar!" Hunter said running up to me.

"IM 15!" I yelled.

"Okay, were you invited to any parties?" She asked.

"Yeah, this senior, Jake, we talked about it and he said I could come..." I said, not thinking about it deeply.

"When?" she asked.

"He told me when you two came that one day, oh wait that was yesterday wasn't it! and its tonight!" I laughed shrugging it off.

"Well, then go to that instead." hunter said, omg yes!

"Okay, awesome, is at, uh, lol 12:30" I said looking at the text on my phone.

"Why 12:30?" She asked, I knew the answer to the question, I had asked him this before.

"He rented out a dark day club, slash arcade, but the arcade isn't for children I mean it is child like but its in a club so...but we can get in since he rented it out!" I laughed at my long explanation.

"Okay, then, lets go, we have a while to get back and then we can head straight there." She smiled.

"Okay" I said.


Hi so I know this is really short, but I don't try to make it, I try to keep there scenes in two or less places, and end it when something awesome happens.

Anyways, who do you think it 'M'? Not being Pretty Little Liars, its just well, has to do with the story line!

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