The Mistake- chapter 9

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IPipers Pov

" 'M' is Maura, my mum" Niall said, I dropped my cup, I wasn't shocked about who it was, just why was he here.

"What? Wow, why are you here Niall, maybe I didn't care about who it was, maybe I just didn't want to go out with you, ya know?" I said walking into the kitchen, getting another drink.

"What?" Niall followed me. "Are you serious?"

I watched the guy behind him walk next to me grabbing a drink. I turned and kissed him, proving I didn't care about Niall. "Did that answer your question?"

I passed out on the floor, being that girl who couldn't hold her liquor. My mistake for coming to this party, I did want to date Niall, but he just made me feel like an idiot. I began to open my eyes. Bright lights from the party gone.

"..She was drunk Niall, She was freaking out and so upset before you got there, calm down, she really likes you!" I closed my eyes at the females voice. Hunter?

"I know, but did she see the way she kissed him, like anyone but me was on her mind!"

"She. Was. Drunk!" hunter yelled.

"Guys? Hello?" I said groggily from my sleep, opening my eyes.

"Piper, do you remember last night?" hunter asked. I was in Niall's  living room. That must've been some date!

"Last night? I don't remember yesterday at ALL!" I said sitting up. "Must've ben some date Niall"

"Actually.."  I heard Niall begin before Hunter sad something.

"You fell down some stairs and bonked your head, we didnt think it was serious so we let you rest. The doctor just left saying your memory might be gone and we should check, your date is gonna be tommorrow!" Hunter said before needing a breath.

"Oh my god Im SO sorry I really didn't mean to do that like stand you up." I said sitting up fully. "You forgive me don't you Niall poo?"

"Forgive you I hate you I am SO MAD at you" Niall said, I could tell he was fighting to keep the straight face.

"Oh okay.." I said getting up and getting passed my friends. I walked to the door and threw on my heels. They hurt so I opened the door and began to walk away.

"Haha Piper I was kidding, you know that right! I mean where are you going? I mean your house is right there I suppose..." Niall said nervously, I walked up to him and kissed him. He smiled.

"The date is on, yeah?" I asked.

"Well, maybe I will forgive you first, you have to make it up to me then I will think about that date." Niall laughed.

"You totally made a mistake, Horan!" I said backing away to my doorway, heels in my hand,

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