Chapter X

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We were both on my bed. I was crying. I felt like jumping out the window onto the backyard concrete. Alex put his arm around me.
"It's alright, it's alright, I'm here for ya."
"It's not alright!" I said. "My own father lashed out at me! I could've died!" I continued weeping.
"It's okay, you're still alive, you're fine."
"It's just that... my father's... never been... supportive... of me." I said, in between breaths and sniffs. "Oh, who am I kidding, everyone but my mom hates me because of my gayness!"
"Why only your mom?"
"Because a lot of her friends at her old work was LGBT+. She's so kind and supportive toward the community, so I told her, and she told my dad, and my dad told everyone else, who is anti-LGBT."
"Aww. I wish I could help."
"You can't change your dads opinion of you in a snap of your fingers. Especially if you're a son. The parent of the same sex has more control of that child of that sex. It's scientifically proven."
"Well, you learn something every day, am I right?"
"Yeah. And I learned you're a great person to talk to."
"Thanks..." Alex and I started blushing and we kissed. If I ever had to talk to someone, it would be him.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at my TV. I remembered me and Alex wanted to do something. I turned on my TV and turned scrolled through the channels.
"What do you like to watch?" I asked.
"Hmm.. let's see..." he said. "Oh, I like horror shows."
I don't do horror. I'm a coward, of all things. It was tough enough to even get friends. I pull up my courage and turned on a show called 'There Is No Escape From Juli Island' or something.
We watched it and when the episode was over, I looked at the clock. 11:00 P.M.
"We should head to bed, it's getting late." I said.
"Sure." Alex turned off the TV and get in bed with me.
"Good night babe." he said.
"Good night." We kissed and then we fell asleep.

**Hey guys! Quick shoutout to @mikemysticwolf because he voted on all of my Chapters (While editing, Chapters I - IX)! Thank you very much Mike! And, I'd love it if you could share this with your friends if they have Wattpad! Thank you and love to all! ❤️**

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