Chapter 2 - Los Angeles

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"I can't believe it's really you!" Liv exclaimed for about the tenth time as she gripped at Henry in a deadly embrace. It had been about a week since Henry's surprise return and he'd managed to sneak away from home once again and finally see the girls. They had been ecstatic to see him once again, as surprised as Will was when he told them that he was back in town. 

"Careful, Liv, he's going blue in the face," Cash joked, approaching the two and slowly wedging her friend from the poor boy. 

"Thank you," Henry exhaled, finally able to breathe properly again. He had been with the girls for about an hour already before Liv sudden hug attack, and was surprised by her outburst, mostly since Liv had always been closer to Will than she was with him, and he'd always worried that she was going to hate his guts for leaving Will like that. "So everything is all good now?" he asked, going back to the conversation they were previously having.

Emmie nodded, still enjoying the bottle of moscato that Will had gotten her as a way to butter her up when he apologised. "Wine is my new best friend," she chimed in, not realising the glory of it until now, before noticing what a statement like that could've meant. "And all is forgiven," she added, pulling attention away from her possible new wine addiction.

"I guess she'll be staying over then," Kimi muttered to herself, not thrilled with having a drunk Emmie on her hands. 

Will laughed, pitying Kimi a bit for having to play babysitter. "If you get drunk as well, it won't be so bad," he suggested playfully, knowing that was an even worse idea.

Kimi rolled her eyes, reminding him of the last time Emmie and Kimi had downed a bottle of vodka together and had decided to drunkenly trawl her area for cats. They had somehow, in their state, ended up with 15 cats in Kimi's room, and both had to spend the next few days trying to work out who they all belonged too. "Mrs. Millar down the street still glares at me when she sees me 'cause she thought I stole it and I was going to eat it," Kimi mentioned, adding, "racist bitch," for extra effect. 

Will, having met the crotchety old lady before, had to agree with Kimi. She was not a pleasure to be around. "Just don't leave the house then," he countered. "And don't touch any cats."

"Keep going Will, and I'll unforgive you," Kimi threatened, glaring at her friend, but Will just put his hands up in surrender, smiling at her to show that it was all in good fun.

Will was glad that he'd made friends with such amazing people like the girls. A few days after his lapse in proper reasoning, he visited each of them to apologise with his tail between his legs. Kimi and Cash blew it off, telling him that they didn't mind and that they were just happy that he was safe and didn't die. 

"My mum was being a real pain in the ass that night anyway, so I just wanted to get out of the house," Cash had said, declining Will's attempt to reimburse her for fuel. 

Will knew that Emmie was going to be a tougher shell to crack, especially after her last text: if youre not dead when we find u, im gonna kill you myself. Will was certain that she wasn't being serious, but he was kinda glad that he didn't see her that night and was able to escape her wrath. Coming to apologise, however, made him vulnerable once again, and he decided to come prepared. So as his blonde friend answered the door, he thrusted a box at her as he came out with a slew of apologies and pleas not to hate him...or hit him. But Emmie just waved him off, quickly rummaging through her present and marvelling at the free alcohol. She did give Will a quick punch on the arm though, and all was forgiven.

Liv, on the other hand, took some time. As in, sitting down and discussing life, love, self-worth, and never drinking copious amounts of alcohol ever again. Or accepting drinks from strangers. Or going places you don't know and sleeping with them. Or making up stories to get your friend in trouble that they end up being thrown out of the club.

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