Chapter 20 - See You Soon

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"Ol, what are you doing here?" Will asked, bleary-eyed as he opened the door for the blonde. "It's 5am."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that--" Oliver began to say, closing the front door as lightly as possible behind them. The last thing he wanted was for a grumpy Emmie to come down and castrate him as she'd more than likely threaten to do. "How we left things yesterday didn't feel right, like - I don't know, Will, I'm worried that you're gonna go back to LA and that's the end of this. You're gonna go back to your life that you've built there and realise that our plan is just a fantasy and... not come home."

Will blinked at the rambling blonde, his anxieties a bit too much to process while his brain was still trying to wake up. "I... need a coffee," he said, turning on his heel and trudging up the stairs to the kitchen. When he didn't hear any movement behind him to indicate that Oliver was following him, he flopped his hand around in a vague motion that told the blonde to do so.

As the kettle began to boil and Will scooped spoonfuls of sugar into some mugs, he gave some thought about what the other man had said. A fantasy was far from what he'd consider their plan to be. 

If anything, the blonde had some sort of other fantasy going on in his head.

"Ol, I don't know what image you have about my life in LA but I'd say it's nothing like how you think," Will said as he passed the other man a mug, both sitting down at the kitchen table. "There is not a single thing in that city that would make me want to give up a future with you."

Oliver blew pensively on his mug. Its warmth helped heat his hands, cold from the early morning chill, as his nose picked up on the scent of sugar and coffee. He could already tell that it was going to be unbearably sweet.

"I cancelled my return flight after Cash's wedding last night," Will decided to say once it seemed that the blonde wasn't going to add anything himself. 

Oliver's eyes refocused and snapped up to the other man's, not sure if he'd understood what Will had said. "What?"

"I cancelled the flight," Will repeated. "Last night."

They had discussed this the day before when deciding what would happen next. Moving back at that time made sense, at least to Will, but he wasn't sure he could pack up 10 years of his life in just two months? 

His job, his house, Kimi, Henry, the cat - it wasn't going to be easy. More methodical in his thinking, Oliver had thought much the same. It didn't matter to the blonde how much time he needed in LA to sort himself out. 

As long as Will came home. 

To him.

"That's not a lot of time, only two months," he pointed out, aware that that was pretty obvious to the both of them. "I want you here with me as soon as possible, more than anything - don't get me wrong - but we've been lamenting for days about whether or not we're rushing into things and..."

The blonde's words hung in the air, unsure how to finish his thought. 

Maybe he should actually have a sip of the coffee in his hands. 

"I know, it just..." Will began but, just like Oliver, he wasn't sure how he was going to finish his sentence either. "I don't know."

He'd been so confident in his decision the night before. It had made so much sense to him and he thought that Oliver would agree. Maybe he was getting swept up in the excitement of it all and was indeed rushing into things, like they'd talked about. 

Two months felt like it would last a lifetime.

But any person over the age of 18 would also agree that two months could disappear on you in an instant. Like a blink of an eye. WIll would go back to LA, ready to pack it all up, and wake up the next morning on the way back for Cash's wedding without a single thing done. 

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